UKIP in disarray as members “leave in droves”

By Searchlight Team

Photo: Short lived leadership team Lois Perry and Nick Tenconi

For a party in the middle of a general election campaign, UKIP is in a state of some disarray, with reports of an exodus of members outraged at recent revelations.

Although its website continues to insist that Lois Perry is party leader 2024-2028, this is of course complete nonsense. Perry quit several days ago.

The Kippers may be hoping to get away with pretending that they have been too busy to update the web site recently, but that really won’t wash. Before the resignation, Lois was prominently addressing members about what was coming during her reign.

 Now all of that gush has vanished. Instead, readers can discover the views of the Perry-appointed deputy leader, Nick Tenconi, on any number of subjects.

The NEC is supposed to declare an interim leader on occasions when the leadership is vacant, but there’s no sign that they have done so. So Tenconi continues as deputy to a leader who doesn’t exist.

There’s a glaring logical flaw there somewhere but, hey, this is UKIP.

The party’s inactivity in naming an interim leader, or opening nominations for fresh elections for a new permanent leader, is probably partly explained by it being a bit short-handed right now. Even ignoring Perry’s debacle, UKIP Ltd has lost three directors in the last seven weeks and named no new ones.

And there’s no sign that this tail-turning trio – Anne Marie Waters, Julie Carter and Sqn Ldr Peter Richardson – have even been replaced on the NEC (the appointment of directors always lags behind that).

The party currently has no named Secretary, no Northern Ireland spokesman, no Justice, Abuse & Exploitation, Equality & Disability spokesman, and no Defence & Veterans spokesman. Not forgetting that the position of Patrons Co-ordinator is not so much empty as being squatted – under-fire chairman Ben Walker ‘temporarily’ has his thumb in that plum.

There would normally be 16 active people on the UKIP NEC – 12 elected members, party leader and chairman, and two appointees. The party are currently only identifying nine elected executives and four ex-officio members, who are Walker, Tenconi, Perry (!) and honorary president Neil Hamilton (jokingly described as one party wag as ‘always contactable by Ouija board’).

It’s probably as much as that committee can cope with to supervise the party’s general election defeats in 23 constituencies.

With Lois Perry widely predicted to be heading for Reform, former deputy leader Rebecca Jane tearing lumps out of Ben Walker in Searchlight, and defeated leadership candidate Bill Etheridge handing out some stick on streaming media, it’s no surprise that we are hearing reports that UKIP members are leaving in droves and that even whole branches are teetering on the brink. Oops!

2 responses on “UKIP in disarray as members “leave in droves”

  1. brexitladies

    Incredible innaccuracies contained within both your articles dates 11 and 22 June respectively.
    11 June you state fielding 25 candidates
    22 June you state 23 candidates
    Both these are after nomination period ended and for the record and matter of accuracy both figures are incorrect.

  2. Pokesdown Brothel's Bookshop Endorser

    > Brexitladies wrote

    GOOD POINT ! No, GREAT POINT !! It’s 24, and another 2 under the Patriots Alliance flag.

    How many of these, had they been as fast as Potter, would have also withdrawn their nominations if they’d known that the scumbag who is the real Leader of UKIP, shunned by all other political parties except for the evidently desperate Tilbrook (ED), would break UKIP’s recently published undertaking and maliciously at the last minute put up a spoiler candidate against Nigel in Clacton ? ? Mr Tenconi is already experiencing a slow realisation he’s been suckered.

    But such is the confusion about this fraudulent “political party”, no one seems to know who is the Leader. Or even if there is a Leader.

    Well we know it really truly is the disgraced Rogue Builder with Multiple Criminal Convictions and has been expelled as a Magistrate and under investigation for lying in his JP application interview and submission, even the candidates seem not to know who they are ! In February’s by-election in Wellingborough, UKIP Clowns leafleted the consituency with a “Vote For Me”, naming its candidate, but forgot to put Courtenay’s or UKIP’s name on the ballot paper !

    Or who is the candidate in Harlow or which party she (Lois Perry), or is he a Mark?, supports.

    As UKIP Deputy Leader (resigned) Rebecca Jane published last week, UKIP exists for one, and only one, purpose, to line the pockets of its greedy illegitimate “National Party Chairman”, the same corrupt Ben Walker.

    The weak feeble useless clueless imbecilic cucks in the NEC are his eunuchs and whipping boys’n’gals, and won’t do a thing but cower in fear muttering “someone needs to do something about all this”, instead of doing it, meanwhile procures yet another young clueless female target victim for his “political” (!?!?!) desires.

    Ten days from now the great British public will tell us in no uncertain terms what they think of this shambles that’s called UKIP. But I think we know that answer already, eh, Benny Boy? We’ll be there to cover it when you are eventually hauled off to prison.

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