UKIP veteran hints at Farage linked anti-UKIP plot

By Searchlight Team

Was Lois Perry’s resignation as UKIP leader part of a Nigel Farage-inspired plot?

“I couldn’t possibly comment” says her UKIP leadership election rival, Bill Etheridge.

Interviewed on the right-wing online ‘Freeman Report’, Etheridge, a long-standing, senior UKIP veteran and one of its Euro MPs from 2014 -2019, pours scorn on the idea that she was elected fairly as leader in last April’s election:

“I’m prepared to believe that a large number of activists and people involved in the party appeared to have voted or me, yet the vote turned out to be about 80% to 20% to Lois…

“So, I’m prepared to believe that a lot of people who aren’t actually active members must have voted, and all voted for Lois. I’m prepared to believe that…

“I believe, actually that Father Christmas sometimes delivers my Xmas presents and that when kids lose a tooth, the tooth fairy puts a little penny under them…”

And, when it’s put to him by host James Freeman that: “…it looks like Farage and Lee Anderson have managed to convince Lois that UKIP don’t stand a chance and so she should collapse the party and put the party into disarray, right before the general election” Etheridge goes full Francis Urquhart:

“What an interesting theory. I couldn’t possibly comment on that theory other than to say I find it fascinating…”

Watch the whole excoriating performance here:

One response on “UKIP veteran hints at Farage linked anti-UKIP plot

  1. Pokesdown Brothel-Keeper's Bookshop's Minder

    Dear oh dear, never the sharpest knife in the drawer, Wallygogs, were you?

    “Excoriating” is not the same as “Excruciating”, mii

    What’s the need for “theory” about this? It is so obvious even Nicole Tenconi figured it out. You may be out of date.

    Your hero was tipped off, and that is all it took for the invite to be issued to starry-eyed serving-wench Lois, who never uses google.

    Then properly assessing at zero the risk of contracting infection from this almost-contagious pneumonia ‘sufferer’, one meal and some bubbly, and UKIP lost yet another ‘leader’.

    Lost count how many there’ve been since Walker seized the reins.

    To make you feel better, Wallygogs, let’s assure you that Walker swapped around the election results percentages. You truly thought the grifter would ever risk a fellow-chancer (you) ‘winning’, managing to lever him out of his firm trust committee chair office bed, and get your mitts on the juicy bequests? Even Anne Marie wasn’t that far cuckoo.

    No way he would take that chance.

    So instead settle back, enjoy your G&T, let others do the Toil and Troil, and raise your glass when he get’s done and sent down.

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