National Rebirth Party attacks ‘nazi nonces’

By Searchlight Team

National Rebirth Party leader Alek Yerbury and his partner Katie Fanning have ramped up their bitter public dispute with rival nazi outfit Patriotic Alternative, of which Yerbury was once himself a member.

Yerbury has already seriously cheesed off Patriotic Alternative leader Mark Collett by ridiculing PA’s strategy of building white homeland communities, and then successfully challenging him (below) to an online debate about the future of the nazi movement where Collett came a clear second.

Now Yerbury has become a regular target of abuse online from more lumpen and conspiracy obsessed fascist elements who see any criticism of far right comrades as something akin to treason, and find in Yerbury’s military background sufficient cause to suspect him of being a ‘state actor’.

Things got heated a few weeks ago when Yerbury’s partner, Katie ‘Sanity’ Fanning reported an apparent PA member to the police for threatening her child, prompting Collett to describe both her and Yerbury, who defended her actions, as “grasses”.

And Fanning has since done little to repair relations, with her constant snipy attacks at PA Deputy leader Laura Towler, for whom she has a peculiar loathing and whom she has taken to calling ‘Fatty Towler’.

Yerbury’s latest move is to launch a moral crusade, denouncing general standards of behaviour in the nazi movement. Of course, we all know that this has always been a movement populated largely by grifters, thugs, and criminals; indeed, this is something to which we have been calling attention since, well, since Searchlight was launched close on 50 years ago. But Yerbury has plainly has PA in his sights and is not pulling any punches:

“The culture in nationalism for the last decade has been one of, ‘Anything goes, as long as the person says the right things,’ and it’s how the movement has ended up with problems like paedophilia, thievery and fraud…”

Let’s just stop and run that again: “paedophilia, thievery and fraud…”

These are serious charges, and historically true, but this is new coming from an aspiring leader of the nazi movement, and there’s little doubt that the current target is PA, one of whose members has for years been the subject of stories – which he denied – that he tried to entice a 15-year-old girl to his hotel room for sex at a conference.

Happier times: Yerbury (left) with PA leaders before they split. Now it’s open warfare

The charge was echoed even more clearly by Fanning only this week, when she posted about the case of the nazi rioter in Manchester who was revealed to be a serial child sex offender.

“I hate peadophiles (sic)” she wrote, “National Socialists should not tolerate nonces of any kind.

“Including those who take underage girls back to their hotel rooms”

As for the “thievery and fraud” – we need look no further than Fanning’s recent rant about Laura Towler’s crowd funder for ‘political prisoners’ jailed for their part in the riots, which Towler claims has already raised £10000.

Fanning wrote: “If it wasn’t bad enough that certain peoples like to pretend they’re the most persecuted peoples in the world as a means of grift.

“They now want to exploit the fact that other peoples are being persecuted to increase their own grift fund…

“How despicable is that?

“An absolutely disgusting display by fatty Towler once again

“It’s not going to go to what you think it’s going to go towards or the people you think it’s going to help”

Fanning, incidentally, announced last weekend “A rare livestream appearance from myself” on far-right channel The Writers Block, hosted by white nationalist Nicholas Jeelvy. She was to discuss “the UK protests, their aftermath and the legal fallout that’ll inevitably follow”.

Now this would be an especially appealing gig for Fanning who fancies herself as a bit of a legal whizz, though in truth she’s more akin to the barrack room variety. So it’s sad to report that such pearls of jurisprudential wisdom as she may have spent the weekend polishing up were rather lost on the national socialist masses. An audience of only 6 was recorded watching her performance and, as two of these were from Searchlight and another was in all likelihood her partner and party boss Yerbury, we can deduce that the real audience was, well, bugger all, m’lud.