Traditional Britain Group’s low rent conference in posh hotel

By Searchlight Team

The Traditional Britain Group conference held yesterday in a posh London hotel has turned out to be a rather low rent affair. Not in terms of the venue – hiring the St Ermin’s Hotel in Victoria will have set them back a few bob to say the least. No, it’s the speakers we’re referring to.

We reported last week that the panel would include David ‘Clueless’ Clews of the online Unity News Network, Ed Dutton (below, left), the anti-woke academic, and climate change denying fanatic Niall McCrae. And, of course, TBG’s usual suspect, Rhodri ‘Get me a hitman’ Phillips, aka Viscount St David. (More on them here:… )

But these are all pretty small beer, and we assumed that amongst the anonymous speakers they hinted at, TBG must have someone a bit more notable up their sleeves. Well, not so, apart from the predictable speaker from the German AfD who seem to turn up at most far right conferences these days (they were at Homeland’s a couple of weeks ago) and British Democrats Chairman Jim Lewthwaite (above, right), it was all a bit of a damp squib from a group which in the past has had prominent Tories grace its events. Jacob Rees Mogg, was of course, the most notable example.

Perhaps the way that TBG allowed its Telegram feed to be used by the most deranged nazis and pro-rioters during the August riots put more respectable contributors off.