UKIP leader hit by sex allegations

By Searchlight Team

WARNING: Contains sexually explicit material

The feuding in and around UKIP has culminated in incendiary material appearing online that casts doubts about the sexual morality of Nick ‘Christ is King’ Tenconi, the party’s unelected Leader.

Three days ago, @ukipunzipped, a Twitter account sent up by UKIP dissidents in 2019, posted screen grabs of a number of sex-related posts featuring accounts that they allege involve Tenconi.

 One is the Only Fans site of Australian Elle Knox who describes herself as “Australia’s Unforgettable Sweetheart & Mens Sacred Sexuality Mentor” and who offers various graphically described online sexual services and pornographic videos. In an exchange reproduced by @ukipunzipped, an account named Tenco™ Training Ltd messaged her saying ‘Dream girl’ and ‘marry me ‘.

The Tenco Training post incorporates a picture which appears to be of Nick Tenconi, and Tenco Training is a company over which he is registered as having significant control, and of which he became a director when it was set up in 2014.

Also reproduced is a post supposedly from a contact site for ‘swinger’ couples where ‘Stacey & Nick’ state that they are ‘happy and horny and love exploring sexually!’ and seek to make contact with like-minded couples, in various permutations. The accompanying picture also appear to be one of Tenconi.

The third appears to be from a ‘Nick Marcel Tenconi’ Twitter / X account. An existing account in this name was set up by Nick Tenconi in 2011. This alleged post contains Andrew Tate-style advice to young men on how they should treat women. It says:

“Lads – once you‘ve pulled her and /or slept with her and she starts ‘playing the game’ recognise that this is NOT the same as playing games.

“Play back, have fun

“If she does the latter, dump the bitch. Her emotional instability is tip of the iceberg.”

We can’t be sure whether all (or indeed any) of this material is genuine. We think that it would be pretty easy to fake such images. But it arrives at a time when it seems guaranteed to figure dramatically in the upcoming UKIP annual conference, where Tenconi will be proposing a new direction for UKIP as the party of the ‘New Right’, fighting for the restoration of Christian values.

The conference is being held jointly with Robin Tilbrook’s English Democrats and some of them – not to mention a few UKIP veterans – may be wondering exactly who they are getting into bed with.