Author Archives: Gerry Gable

Belgian fascist visits Russians in Aleppo

Dewinter in Aleppo

Filip Dewinter, the Belgian fascist MEP, seen here happy in the company of the Russian butchers of Aleppo during his visit to the devastated Syrian city at the beginning of February. Last May Dewinter spoke at the Trump-supporting far-right American Renaissance conference on: “The Islamisation of Europe. How Europe becomes an Islamic State”. He is also associated with Stephen Bannon, Trump’s top strategic adviser, who Trump has insisted has a place on the National Security Council, the members of which are usually generals and heads of security organisations.

Dewinter has previously met President Assad. Such meetings reinforce the cooperation between bloody dictators like Assad, the Russians, and their friends in the USA and the European far right including the UK.

Blogger ‘who posted a grossly offensive and antisemitic song on YouTube’ denies hate crime charge

A blogger accused of calling Auschwitz a ‘theme park’ and gas chambers a ‘hoax’ appeared in court today in what is believed to be the first private prosecution in the UK for anti-jewish racism, the Daily Mail reports.

Alison Chabloz, 52, is accused of posting a ‘grossly offensive’ video, called ‘Survivors’, online on June 8 this year.

The prosecution has been brought by the charity the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which said it decided to do so after the Crown Prosecution Service did not press charges.

Read the rest of the article here.

Alison Chabloz
Alison Chabloz

Ex-leader of Britain First Paul Golding jailed for breach of High Court injunction

The former leader of Britain First was jailed for breaching a court order banning him from entering mosques or Islamic Centres in England and Wales, TellMAMA reports.

Paul Golding, 34, was served with a court summons by Bedfordshire Police on 2 November  after breaching a High Court injunction granted on August 11.

He will serve half of his eight week sentence.

The three-year banning order had restricted him from entering any mosque in England and Wales “without prior invitation”.

Britain First had uploaded a video to YouTube showing members inside the Al-Manar Islamic Centre in Cathays, Cardiff on 20 August. In the video, party members made allegations of extremism against the mosque. This was denied by a mosque trustee.

The Muslim Council of Wales also dismissed the accusations.

Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen
Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen

Golding, in an interview with IBTimes, days after the “mosque invasion,” insisted that he had not breached the order. The High Court however, detailed how Golding had driven four party members to the Al-Manar Centre.

James Weston, counsel for the Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police, said that members of the mosque found the actions of Britain First to be both provocative and unnerving.

Passing sentence, the judge remarked that Golding’s actions were an affront to Muslims nationwide.

Golding handed control of the party to his deputy Jayda Fransen last month. Fransen has faced her own legal difficulties.  She was convicted of wearing a uniform for a political purpose and a religiously aggravated charge in early November.

Labour urged: Actions not words on Syria

The Peter Tatchell Foundation has reported on the Human Rights Day protest by Syria Solidarity UK.

syria-solidaritySyria Solidarity UK activists were joined by Peter Tatchell when they protested during a speech by Jeremy Corbyn at Westminster Central Hall on Saturday 10 December. They urged the Labour Party to pursue “actions not words” to save civilians in Aleppo and other Syrian cities.

Jeremy Corbyn was outlining the Labour Party’s commitment to fundamental rights on Human Rights Day. Syria human rights campaigners walked to the front and stood in front of him with placards saying: “Action not words: Back UK aid drops now. Protect civilians.”

Protest participant, human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, said:

“The protest was organised by Syria Solidarity UK. It was not against Jeremy Corbyn or Labour. It was an appeal for them to act, to defend the human rights of Syrian civilians, by actively campaigning for a parliamentary vote on humanitarian aid drops, sanctions and war crimes charges against the Assad and Putin regimes, UN-supervised evacuation of civilians and White Helmet rescue teams to safe havens, and for Syria to be suspended from the UN until it agrees to a ceasefire and stops blocking aid deliveries. Neither Labour nor Jeremy are actively campaigning for any of these initiatives.

“We urged Jeremy Corbyn to press for a parliamentary debate and vote to mandate UK aid drops of food and medicine to besieged civilians in Aleppo and other cities. He declined to give that commitment when I asked him. Why isn’t he holding the government to account for its inaction, and publicly demanding that it agree to a vote in parliament on air drops of humanitarian aid?

“Labour has never organised even one event in solidarity with Syrian democrats, socialists and civil society activists. It never promoted or campaigned for the passage of Canada’s UN Syria resolution under 377A – Uniting for Peace – which called for the immediate cessation of hostilities, humanitarian aid access and an end to all sieges.

“The protest was polite and lasted five minutes. Jeremy was briefly delayed but not stopped from speaking. He addressed all the issues he originally planned to speak on.

“It was initially a silent protest until Labour officials indicated they wanted to know what it was about, which is when I spoke.

“Jeremy thanked us for raising the issue of Syria and we will now be pressing him for dialogue and action to help save lives in Syria. I will continue to support much of what Jeremy is striving for. Both of us remain friends.

“Jeremy’s speech rightly condemned Saudi war crimes in Yemen but made only a passing reference to Syria and offered no proposals to remedy the humanitarian crisis there. This has a whiff of double standards.

“What action has Labour taken to protect civilians in Syria? Nothing, so far. Aleppo is the Guernica of our age. Labour’s fine words need to be backed up with deeds. It is not listening to the appeals for action from democratic civil society activists inside Syria. We heard their cry for help and acted at their request. Our protest gave effect to their appeal for action.

“On Human Rights Day, Labour gathered to celebrate the noble sentiments in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But in Aleppo, the Syrian and Russian military are targeting fleeing refugees, children in schools, doctors in hospitals and civil rescue teams from the White Helmets. Hundreds of boys and men have allegedly gone missing from the areas seized last week by Assad regime forces. At least 100,000 civilians are being deliberately starved in Aleppo and a million others elsewhere in Free Syria.

“Labour must act, not just speak. So too must the Conservatives – and all parties. We call on Theresa May and Boris Johnson to also heed our call. We will protest against them in due course. There must surely be a cross-party consensus on humanitarian air drops. Why aren’t they happening? Labour should give a lead by initiating a House of Commons vote to make them happen,” said Mr Tatchell.

Clara Connolly from Syria Solidarity UK added:

“Do Syrian civilians have human rights? If so, why are we allowing this to continue? Western diplomats have conceded that there are no technical obstacles to delivering airdrops of food and medicine to Aleppo using a GPS-guided parachute system. What is lacking is the political will. If we stay silent, if Western politicians refuse to take what actions are available to them, then they are complicit in these massacres.”

Syria Solidarity UK are calling on Jeremy Corbyn and Labour Party MPs and members to publicly and vocally:

  • Support calls for humanitarian access to besieged areas in Syria.
  • Push for a parliamentary vote on unilateral UK aid drops.
  • Demand the suspension of Syria from the UN until it agrees to a ceasefire, and stops blocking aid to besieged areas.
  • Request UN-supervised evacuations of the White Helmets and the civilian population.

More information contact

Syria Solidarity UK is a grassroots solidarity group of Syrian & UK activists. and [email protected]