Author Archives: Gerry Gable

Fidel Castro’s paradoxical relationship with Israel and Jews

This article was written in Havana a couple of weeks ago shortly after the announcement of Fidel Castro’s death and published in the Jewish Chronicle.

fidel-castroLast Shabbat, the prayer for the state of Israel was recited in the main Havana synagogue.

It was also the day when the announcement was made of the passing of Fidel Castro, who had broken off diplomatic relations with Israel in 1973.

This symbolised Fidel’s individualistic approach towards Jews and Israel while remaining a severe critic of the Netanyahu government.

He supported Israel’s right to exist, yet sent 1,500 Cuban troops to the Golan Heights to support Syrian forces during the Yom Kippur war.

A strong supporter of the Palestinian cause, he did not favour Hamas and condemned the remarks of the former Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in seemingly denying the Shoah.

In 2010, he commented: “The Jews have been slandered much more than the Muslims because they are blamed and slandered for everything. No one blames the Muslims for anything.”

At that time he also recalled his Catholic upbringing and his Jesuit education. As a child, every Good Friday he was told that the Jews had killed God. In addition, his Jesuit teachers had favoured Franco during the Spanish civil war because of his fidelity to Christendom and “the threat of Judeo-Bolshevism”.

When Castro and his forces emerged from the Sierra Maestra mountains and entered Havana in January 1959, they were greeted enthusiastically by many Cuban Jews who were pleased at the ousting of the corrupt and brutal Battista regime. Golda Meir, Israel’s Foreign Minister, was delighted and issued a declaration of warm support.

Castro then began to confront the powerful American commercial interests as well as the gangster Meyer Lansky’s mafia franchise in gambling, prostitution and drugs.

President Eisenhower’s sanctions, coupled with a growing authoritarianism, pushed Castro in to the arms of the Soviet Union – as the sole means of keeping his country independent of US influence.

The draconian restrictions on free speech and assembly persuaded 90 per cent of Cuban Jews to leave. Yet one of Castro’s compatriots in the Cuban Revolution, Enrique Oltuski, the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants – his father had been a Zionist activist in Santa Clara – remained and became a long serving deputy minister. Both Castro and Oltuski proclaimed their opposition to Communism at the outset.

Yet the Kremlin’s enthusiasm soon withered on the vine – Castro was no comrade in arms. He built his own version of socialism and frequently disagreed with the Kremlin while gleefully accepting their support economically.

Che Guevara was thought to exhibit Trotskyist tendencies because he pursued the revolutionary road in Latin America and refuted the Kremlin’s line of detente and peaceful co-existence.

There were several attempts to displace Castro not only by the Americans – which are well known – but also by the Soviets. Yet he supported the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and Afghanistan in 1979.

Many Jewish writers strongly opposed the arrest and imprisonment of the poet, Herberto Padilla, in the early 1970s for his literary criticism of Castro’s regime.

With the fall of the USSR in 1991, Cuba’s economic and military lifeline disappeared and it was expected that Castro would swiftly fall from power. Castro proved his enemies wrong, in part because he was more influenced by Jose Marti, an early fighter for Cuban independence, than by Lenin. More fidelismo than Marxism.

He expanded tourism to offset the effect of the exit of the Soviets. Since the early 1990s, tens of thousands of Israeli and Jewish tourists have visited Cuba, thus undermining the American embargo.

Castro revised the Cuban constitution to allow a greater openness towards religion, resulting in the admission of religious Jews to the Communist party and the visit of Pope John II in 1998.

In 1992, the American Joint Distribution Committee was allowed to provide health care and Jewish education to the Cuban community. This catalysed the ongoing visits of many American Jews to the Cuban community.

At the same time, the Jewish Agency entered into an unpublicised agreement with the Cuban government to facilitate immigration to Israel. A special office was opened in the Canadian Embassy in Havana to deal with requests for emigration to Israel. The agreement was made public in 1999 when it was revealed that 400 Cuban Jews had left for Israel and were living in absorption centres in Ashkelon.

In 1993, the Israeli BM Corporation, headed by former Mossad chief Rafi Eitan, entered into an agreement with the Cuban National Citrus Corp. It resulted in Israeli management of a 115,000 acre citrus operation in Jaguey Grande.

The building of the Miramar Trade Centre in Havana was another Israeli venture. All this was taking place while the official face of Israel was siding with the United States in supporting the embargo against Cuba at the UN.

Fidel Castro now belongs to the history of anti-colonial struggles. The verdict on his attempt to reconfigure human society is still awaited.

He was a stiff-necked, stubborn man who led a small people and insisted on its right to an independent path.

Many Jews can identify with that sentiment.

More questions than answers: a Searchlight investigation

Thomas Mair has been jailed for the brutal murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. But serious questions about the police approach to a fascist group remain.

Photos taken at the memorial site for Jo Cox MP at Parliament Square in London. Photo: Garry Knight
Photos taken at the memorial site for Jo Cox MP at Parliament Square in London. Photo: Garry Knight

I write as Nazi assassin Thomas Mair begins a whole-life sentence for the murder of a well loved MP, wife and mother and an advocate for the long-suffering people of Syria. He shouted the words “Britain first” during the attack. When the police arrested him, Mair declared: “It was me, I am a political activist.”

Murderer Thomas Mair
Murderer Thomas Mair

The specialist police officers who raided his home found collections of Nazi material, including information on how to shoot a victim and details of historic political assassinations in the UK and Norway.

The court heard about some far right groups who were active in Yorkshire – but not a single word about Britain First. This rang alarm bells for those who have monitored Britain First as it filled the vacuum left by the failed English Defence League.

Britain First

Paul Golding, leader of Britain First and a one-time British National Party councillor, has spent the past three years building up, often by sleight of hand, what he claimed to be a major anti-Muslim activist organisation. Golding told the media, who were often sucked in by his lies, that he had ten of thousands of “likes” online. Nobody really challenged this to ask if these were real supporters or whether he was buying masses of hits.

Paul Golding, who has temporarily stood down as leader of Britain First
Paul Golding, who has temporarily stood down as leader of Britain First


















Two years ago Golding declared war on the Muslim community in Tower Hamlets. His main aim was to create tension between the local Muslim community and non-Muslims. He also laid claim to the idea that he was some sort of Christian leader, fighting the evils of Islam.

Golding took his footsoldiers and an armoured vehicle he was using as a mobile command post, and ran a message on his website declaring that Britain First would go to Brick Lane – the heart of the East End Bengali community – to confront local Muslims and defy their dislike of drunkenness in public places.

Golding said his activists would resist if they were told to leave the area. He further declared that they would go on to the East London Mosque in Whitechapel and accost the congregation, which often includes schoolchildren.

That evening a recording of Golding’s threat was sent to Scotland Yard and was placed on the desk of the deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. But no action followed. The attempts to cause fear at the mosque increased and still nothing was done.

More recently Britain First’s squad of Nazis were back at the mosque, headed by someone carrying a huge cross. The mosque, including school visitors, was under siege. Led by Rev Alan Green, from east London’s interfaith forum, local supporters of the mosque placed themselves in front of the doors, in the way of Britain First.

When the Nazis pushed their cross forward, Rev Green told them they were not Christians but haters. At that point the police escorted the Nazis away.


Britain First's threat to Muslim elected representatives
Britain First’s threat to Muslim elected

On 24 May 2016 Britain First issued a Nazi-style threat against elected Muslim politicians and their allies – we reproduce parts of this document here (see screenshots, above). On 16 June, Jo Cox was killed by a Nazi shouting “Britain first”.

Early the following week, Searchlight handed a copy of this document and two photos to Met Police commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and his deputy, Craig Mackey.


We asked the following questions:

  1. Why was no action taken against Golding for his recorded threat to go on the offensive in Brick Lane and at the East London Mosque? Why was this evidence not used to show a premeditated criminal offence?
  2. Why were Britain First allowed to seriously harass Muslim communities up and down the country before the Home Office finally placed a ban on them carrying on such activities after Jo Cox’s death?
  3. Why was the document with the open threat to key Muslim politicians and their allies not in the hands of the SO15 Counter Terrorism Command as soon as it was sent out?
  4. What was done with the copy of Golding’s call for action which was handed to the Met Police commissioner and his deputy within a few days of Jo Cox’s murder?
  5. Will charges of incitement to violence be brought against Golding?

It came as no shock that Golding suddenly stood down from the leadership of Britain First on the first day of Mair’s trial, in favour of his deputy Jayda Fransen. When will Golding face a charge of incitement? When will somebody with responsibility and authority respond to these questions?

Jayda Fransen with her Britain First fascist friends
Jayda Fransen with her Britain First fascist friends

Racist acid attack – Barking vigil Tuesday 29 November at 5pm

On 15 November, Barking resident Imran Khan was subject to a horrific Islamophobic, racist attack by a large gang of youths while he was delivering a pizza. He was surrounded and subjected to racist abuse. He had acid squirted all over his face and eyes through his car window.

Imran KhanBarking & Dagenham Post article here.

This cannot be allowed to stand unopposed!

There will be a vigil with Imran, attended by Leader of Barking & Dagenham Council, Darren Rodwell this Tuesday.

The vigil is called by Newham Stand Up to Racism and supported by Barking and Dagenham Trades Council and the local division of National Union of Teachers.

Stop racist attacks! No to Islamophobia!

Tuesday 29th November, 5.00-6.30pm

Outside Barking Town Hall, Town Hall Square,

1 Clockhouse Avenue, Barking IG11 7LU.

5 mins walk from Barking Station (District Line or Shenfield line from Liverpool Street) Map see here.

Extremely strange political bedfellows

In the past week the media have reported on the delegation of British right-wing politicians led by Nigel Farage who met US president-elect Donald Trump at his New York headquarters. Present with Trump was his head strategic adviser Steve Bannon, who controls the alt-right Breitbart news service. Farage came with Raheem Kassam, Breitbart’s London editor. Kassam has enjoyed the financial backing of the British millionaire Arron Banks, who co-founded and funded the Leave.EU campaign and also gave generous support when Kassam decided to stand for the leadership of the UK Independence Party. One of Banks’s close advisers was also part of the delegation.

The perverse idea that Farage should become the British ambassador to Washington when Trump enters the White House is worrying, considering that Bannon’s closest political friend is Richard Spencer, another far-right millionaire, who after a sustained campaign by Searchlight was deported by the Hungarian government two years ago and banned for three years from entering the Schengen area.

Spencer has made several visits to Britain, which is not part of the Schengen area. In May last year the Home Office asked us to prepare a report on far-right groups in the UK and their friends abroad. As a result one of the last acts of Theresa May as Home Secretary was to issue an order banning Spencer from the UK for life.

Below are two videos posted on YouTube of a conference and dinner in New York held by Spencer’s alt-right National Policy Institute on 19 November. The Guardian managed to infiltrate the conference and its report and a further video are here. It came as no surprise that a number of overseas visitors attended the conference. One of the most interesting was Matt Tait, the young British “rich brat” who helped organise the far-right paramilitary training in 2014 that was conducted by President Vladimir Putin’s international trainer Denis Nikitin and Arkadiusz Rzepinski. Tait and Spencer are no strangers to one another as Tait was in Budapest at the point the Hungarian authorities arrested and deported Spencer.

Trump is reportedly trying to distance himself from the National Policy Institute, but one question arises. Some of the Nazis who attended the dinner after the New York conference were recorded saying they were heading back to Trump Tower after they retreated from the restaurant where they had been besieged by anti-fascists. Were they locked out by Trump security or given a warm welcome?

Britain First extremist filmed joining hate-filled vigilante group hunting down asylum seekers in Bulgaria

An anti-Muslim extremist has been filmed joining a hate-filled group hunting down asylum seekers in Bulgaria, the Daily Mirror wrote on 24 October.

Far-right Jim Dowson donned camouflage gear to join the heavily-armed Shipka Bulgarian National Movement stalking migrants who cross the Turkish border.

Britain First founder Jim Dowson was filmed with the Shipka Bulgarian National Movement [Photo: Daily Record]
Britain First founder Jim Dowson was filmed with the Shipka Bulgarian National Movement [Photo: Daily Record]
Dowson, founder of the Britain First group, has made a series of videos begging supporters to send donations to help arm the ragtag malitia.

The Scottish Daily Record reports Dowson claims the Turkey-Bulgaria border is the key strategic point to be defended from refugee “invaders” who he claims are seeking to take over the world.

He has also appeared on Russian TV, backing the sinister anti-Islam Knights Templar International group and whipping up support for far-right groups in Hungary and other eastern states.

Dowson, from Airdrie, boasts of donating bulletproof vests, night vision goggles, drones and other supplies to the thugs and asks US supporters to sign up or send money.

Dowson donned military attire in the footage
Dowson donned military attire in the footage

The Daily Record uncovered footage showing Dowson hunting down asylum seekers alongside masked and heavily armed Bulgarian skinheads.

In the sickening footage, Dowson whispers to the camera: “We are on the Bulgarian Turkish border on patrol and looking for illegals. The dedication these guys have got is very impressive.

“The borders of Europe are being protected more by these men than our governments.

“Today, the Knights Templar International brought along vests and ballistics and drones and night vision, stuff that these guys desperately need.

“A big thank you to supporters in America and the Philippines and other countries who have contributed to this.

“These are men and women, mainly ex-forces, doing it in their own free time, facing all sorts of risks and dangers.

“These are good people and they’re very very deserving of your support.”

On another video, Dowson tells the Bulgarian thugs: “When my grandfather was alive, this land was ruled by Ottomans, by the Muslims.

“Now they’re coming back. Remember the forces of Islam once got as far as Vienna.

Dowson claimed the group are engaged in a "fight of Christ"
Dowson claimed the group are engaged in a “fight of Christ”

“Now they are as far as John O’Groats in Scotland and more and more are coming in.

“This is not political, this is a fight between good and evil, black and white, a fight of the cross, a fight of Christ.

“If you can, please come train with these people, help them. If you’re too old or can’t leave your job, send them some money.

“Get them organised, help them, supply them, meet their needs because they’re guarding your border, my border, the whole of the free western world’s border, even America’s border. The fight is here.”

Dowson formed racist political group Britain First and was closely associated with mosque invasions across the UK where thugs forced their way into the places of worship and confronted imams.

He has also been a key fundraiser for other groups like the BNP.

Earlier this year, Dowson and former BNP supremo Nick Griffin travelled to St Petersburg in Russia for a rally of far-right groups.

Dowson also appeared at the Knights Templar International Hungarian Border Mission as a delegate and staged meetings with banned Hungarian neo-Nazi group Magyar Önvédelmi Mozgalom.

A spokesman for anti-racist group Say No To Hate said: “Dowson and Griffin are clearly up to something.

“They are spending a lot of time in eastern Europe, presenting themselves as viable voices.

“They are simply churning out the same messages of intolerance that they did back in the UK.

“Dowson is appealing to Americans for donations to supply a militia group in Bulgaria, which seems quite alarming.

“They are running around the woods at the Turkish border with rifles, determined to round up refugees. It’s a dreadful proposition. I would urge anyone in the UK or further afield to have nothing to do with them.”

Dowson was recently named in a dossier leaked to the Record detailing the most dangerous extremists.

Dowson is active in Loyalist circles and helped launch the Protestant Coalition, who have links to Britain First. He is also an ex-Calvinist minister and anti-abortionist and set up a BNP call centre in Northern Ireland.

The Daily Record contacted Dowson to ask him about the videos and his support for the Shipka Bulgarian Movement.

He said: “The only time I have ever spoken to the Record you have done nothing but a hatchet job so you’re going to write whatever you’re going to write. You don’t really need a comment from me.”

When our reporter stressed that Dowson had been approached to give him an opportunity to comment, he replied: “Aye right. Okay. Nae bother. Listen, have a nice day my friend.”

The Shipka Bulgarian National Movement claim to be “at war” with Muslim immigrants coming into the country from Turkey.