Author Archives: Gerry Gable

Manchester anti-racists and anti-fascists humble racist Football Lads Alliance

Hats off to anti fascists and anti-racists in Manchester, who at the weekend, well outnumbered and humbled the Football Lads Alliance (FLA), Unite Against Fascism wrote on 20 May. Last October, up to 15 000 supported the FLA on their London demonstration. Saturday saw only 300 attend their national event. The FLA had cynically tried to create further islamophobia as the anniversary of the appalling Manchester Arena bombing approaches. They failed, miserably, as Mancunians rejected their far right poison.

In contrast, over 500 anti racists  joined a brilliant, spirited, Manchester Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) and Unite Against Fascism (UAF) rally and march. Where those on the SUTR/UAF mobilisation were confident and determined, FLA followers were dispirited and demoralised.

The day started with an excellent rally in St Peter’s Square, by SUTR/UAF.
Dan Hett, brother of Martyn Hett, killed in the Arena terror attack, made a particularly powerful speech, saying he was proud to be on the anti racist demo. ‘The FLA don’t care about the victims of the bombing, they only want to spread race hate. We will resist them with all the unity and organisation we have shown today’. Dan had overnight, again received appalling abuse  and hate from FLA supporters, and other far right, bigots. It is to his immense credit that he spoke and marched with anti racists, honouring his brother.

A mix of multicultural Manchester saw a number of trade union banners present. Union members came from the following unions; the CWU postal workers union, the civil service PCS union, the two largest unions in the UK, Unison and Unite, the fire brigades union, the FBU, the GMB, lecturers union, UCU, USDAW, the teachers union, the NEU. and the rail union, the RMT. A large delegation of Spanish students brought the message of No Pasaran to the demo!

This fantastic cross union gathering was the product of weeks of intensive work, at a local and national level. The hard work paid off handsomely and much credit must go to local SUTR members  and organisers. Manchester is a great example for how to build and create a well rooted, broad and strong, united front.

The sun shone whilst anti racists rallied and  heard from a variety of national speakers from unions and the local community eg muslim representatives from Manchester. A minutes silence was held for the victims of the Arena bombing. In a moving occasion, local councillors read out the names of all those killed at the Arena, last year.

Those who showed no respect for the victims and their relatives such as Dan Hett, were FLA  members. Small groups of  the FLA tried and failed to intimidate anti racists, and had to skulk away. The strength and size of our rally clearly unnerved them. FLA coaches from Newcastle and Yorkshire had been cancelled in the week, indicating that the FLA turnout was not to be impressive.

The FLA held an underwhelming rally, with only 3 speeches. The FLA had misled their members by saying before Saturday that they were to march. SUTR/UAF strongly suspected this was not to be the case, and when FLA supporters were told they were just having a rally, tempers in their rally flared.

FLA members openly argued with each other about why they were not the size organisers had promised. Many traipsed off to bars, missing the speeches and took to online denunciations of  FLA organisers such as Pamela Brannigan.

Rows raged overnight attacking the ex EDL members who now run the FLA. Indeed, the likes of ex BNP and EDL organiser, Chris Renton who stayed in a pub with other former EDL members, are wondering if the FLA has a future. (Perhaps a quarter of the FLA support were ex BNP and EDL followers. 50 or so stayed in 2 pubs, clearly downcast. Anne Marie Waters For Britain members, were also present).

The whole run up to Saturday didn’t bode well for the FLA. Their event page for the demo was often poorly visited and unattractive to FLA members. Brannigan and co were repeatedly warned that holding an event on the same day as the Royal Wedding and the FA Cup final was potentially going to end in a flop. FLA leaders ignored such strictures and have rightly ended up, in a bad place.

The splinter from the FLA, the Democratic FLA (sic) lost no time in asking FLA members to join their march in Manchester, on June 2nd. Ever the racist opportunists, the DFLA sense the chance to clean up from the FLA, the latter clearly being run by incompetent racists.

That anti racists were the only ones who marched today was telling and a point not lost on the FLA.  After anti racists saw for themselves that the FLA were visibly deflated, spirits were very high. We marched back to St Peter’s square whilst the FLA moaned to each other. Onlookers en route applauded anti racists.

The FLA’s poor turnout reflects the problems they’re suffering, after founder John Meighan’s departure.
Manchester SUTR/UAF have shown the way. Delegations came too from SUT/UAF groups from Newcastle, Glasgow, Birmingham, and Leeds, among other places. Our side left buoyant and confident, the FLA could be heard in several pubs holding inquests as to what had gone so wrong. Their closed wall is full of comments, saying it was some kind of inepititude that sees their size plummet in just a  matter of months.

However, as said, on June 2nd the so called Democratic Football Lads Alliance visit Manchester. Their turnout will be larger than the FLA’S. Though there is an England international football game on the day, coaches are being booked from areas such as the East and West Midlands.

Anti racists can take heart from today. The method and organisation of this mobilisation shows how to undercut the far right. The event page for the SUTR/Uaf counter demo is here.

Please share  it widely and come to Manchester on the day.


Far-right FLA thug gives Nazi salute

Thessaloniki mayor Yiannis Boutaris beaten up

The following report was published on the BBC website on 20 May.

Nationalists were angry that the mayor (far left) was attending a remembrance event

The mayor of Greece’s second-largest city Thessaloniki has been treated in hospital after being beaten up by about a dozen people, officials say.

Yiannis Boutaris, 75, was kicked in the head and legs and beaten with bottles by a group of nationalists angry over his appearance at a remembrance event.

The mayor, who is known for his anti-nationalist views, was attending a ceremony to mark the killing of ethnic Greeks by Turks in World War One.

Politicians have condemned the attack.

A dozen people approached Mr Boutaris demanding he leave a flag-lowering ceremony in Thessaloniki on Saturday to mark what is known in Greece as the “Pontic Genocide”, Thessaloniki city council president Calypso Goula said.

Ms Goula, who was also attending the event, described seeing several men throw bottles at Mr Boutaris and kicking the mayor in the head and legs after he had fallen down.

“It was a nightmare,” Mr Boutaris was quoted by the Greek Reporter website as saying.

“There were several people that attacked me. They were hitting me everywhere.”

The mayor’s aides helped to get him away from the attackers, and take him to hospital where he was reportedly kept in overnight.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in a statement, called the attackers “far-right bullies who have to face the consequences of their actions”.

Greece’s ruling left-wing Syriza party described it as a “fascist attempt to target and intimidate” the mayor.

The main opposition party, New Democracy, also condemned the attack and called for the perpetrators to be “arrested immediately”.

The Scandinavian fascists fighting for the Syrian regime

This article first appeared on Kyle W Orton’s Syrian Intifada blog.

Skandinaviska Förbundet (Scandinavian League) fighters in Syria, where they fought under Russian command. Picture via Skandinavisk Frihet

The Norwegian news portal AldriMer reported on 11 May about a group of far-Right Scandinavians who fought under Russian command for the pro-regime coalition in Syria.

AldriMer was relaying an interview published last month by Skandinavisk Frihet(Scandinavian Freedom), a website that describes itself as attached to the Skandinaviska Förbundet (Scandinavian League), a far-Right group based primarily in Sweden. The interview is with a member of Skandinaviska Förbundet who fought in Syria.

AldriMer describes Skandinaviska Förbundet as having been founded in February 2018, though clearly the networks were around long before that since the fighter interviewed discusses events in Syria between the start of 2017 and summer of that year, yet is still described as a member of Skandinaviska Förbundet.

According to AldriMer, Skandinaviska Förbundet has a youth wing, Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), which is a somewhat better-known neo-Nazi formation that has contributed foreign fighters to the radical battalions in eastern Ukraine that fight on the government’s side against the Russian-directed separatist insurgency. (At home, Nordisk Ungdom has engaged in intimidation of migrants and has briefly gained some attention in Europe over the last few yeas when, in the summer of 2016, and then again in 2017 , it disrupted the homosexual pride march in Stockholm.)

The interview on Skandinavisk Frihet’s website describes the Skandinaviska Förbundet fighter in glowing terms as a “brave warrior” who helped defeat the Islamic State (IS). He says he arrived as the Russians turned the tide in favour of Bashar al-Asad’s regime, and claims to have fought directly against IS’s troops in a detachment that was “temporarily incorporated with the Russian military forces”.  “Russia broke the back of IS in Syria”, the fighter says excitedly, “and we were there [with them], side-by-side”.

This presentation of the Asad regime as having fought a terrorist insurrection is par for the course in pro-regime propaganda. After Russia’s direct intervention in Syria in late September 2015 it continued the same themes, despite the flagrant untruth of it, which has been quantitatively demonstrated this week: just 14% of Russia’s airstrikes have targeted IS.

The fighter tells Skandinavisk Frihet that “the unit, or more accurately the section I was part of, was named , ‘Þorbrandr’ (Thorbrand)”. Thorbrand was an infantry unit in effect, he says, but it had access to heavy weapons, including tanks. Thorbrand was commanded by a Norwegian named “Norrmann”; there were other people from Norway, plus Sweden and Iceland, in the unit. The group was most active in the first three months he was there, using drones to scout the positions of the IS jihadists and then attacking, often at night. Asked about a memorable incident, the fighter recounts to Skandinavisk Frihet going behind enemy lines one night into an IS camp of about fifty jihadists, calling in Russian artillery fire, and then ensuring no IS members were able to leave. Activity slowed over the summer, he says, and Thorbrand engaged in things like laying mines to hinder IS’s freedom of movement.

Asked about the Syrian population, the fighter is contemptuous. “Fortunately”, Thorbrandr had minimal contact with “the so-called ‘civilians’,” he says toSkandinavisk Frihet: “These are people you never want to encounter. It is common for IS members to act as part of the civilian population and conduct terrorist acts or gather strategic information. In this war every single civilian is a potential enemy.”

The fighter says that Thorbrand took strict precautions with its forces, so avoided having anyone killed. The cold nights of the Syrian winter were, apparently, unpleasant, and then in summer they faced temperatures like “hell” and sandstorms that “felt like standing under a jet turbine on an airplane”. There were a lot of “uncomfortable guests” in camp, notably reptiles and toxic insects, and scorpions and worms infested “sleeping bags, shoes, and everywhere [else]”.

“Thorbrand consists of warriors united in the blood and in faith”, the fighter explains to Skandinavisk Frihet, when asked about his motivations. “We have decided to fight against the global threat aimed at Europe, not least the Nordic countries. It was clear to all of us that our authorities failed to protect our countries. They allow hordes of potential enemies to rape our fatherlands.”

Skandinavisk Frihet has since published an English-language interview with their editor Björn Herstad that goes into greater detail about the organisation’s beliefs. For example, Herstad rejects the label “Right-wing extremist” for Skandinaviska Förbundet itself as a meaningless term, and says that such a label can hardly be applied to “[a] person who is sensible enough to protect us all from the Islamic State”. It should be noted that there are a number of religious and political extremist groups in Syria that present their highly exclusivist ideological projects under the anti-IS banner as a humanitarian mission for all mankind. On the thorny issue of antisemitism, Herstad says that this is an outrageous slander that can be traced to “Expo, a notorious left-wing organization in Sweden started by a Trotskyist and founded by Georges Soros.”

Thanks to Adam Johansson for help with translation

Demonstrate in Manchester, Saturday: unite against the racist FLA!

This Saturday, 11am at St Peter’s Square, unite against the racist Football Lads Alliance; don’t let the racists divide us.

A coalition of Manchester people is supporting a statement opposing a protest by a far right group in the City on Saturday 19 May.

The statement – organised by Stand Up to Racism (SUTR) and Unite Against Fascism (UAF) – opposes the demonstration organised by ‘The Football Lads Alliance’ (FLA), stating thatThe FLA claims to be against all extremism but in recent months it has had far right speakers on its platforms. Its marches have been promoted by far-right organisations and activists.’

Stand Up to Racism’s statement against the FLA coming to Manchester  is supported by 16 MPs, 2 MEPs, Manchester City Council Leader Richard Leese, over 30 Manchester Councillors, Regional Trades Unions, and others, including Dan Hett, brother of a Manchester attack victim and co-founder of Survivors Against Terror.

Mr Hett has said: “The racist and Islamophobic Football Lads Alliance are planning on callously hijacking the anniversary of the attacks to march in Manchester.  No class. No respect. Not welcome.”

The MPs supporting the statement against the FLA are: Debbie Abrahams MP, Yvonne Fovargue MP, James Frith MP, Kate Green MP, Andrew Gwynne MP, Mike Kane MP, Barbara Keeley MP, Afzal Khan MP, John McDonnell MP & Shadow Chancellor, Liz McInnes MP, Jim McMahon MP, Jo Platt MP, Yasmin Qureshi MP, Angela Rayner MP, Jonathan Reynolds MP, Jeff Smith MP;

The Football Association recently wrote to Premier League Clubs warning them about the FLA.

SUTR’S statement states that a major Veterans’ charity – Walking With The Wounded – pulled its support for an FLA demonstration in London in October following ‘severe’ posts on the FLA’s closed Facebook page targeting the Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, in the wake of concerns she raised about the group.  The statement says:  ‘Far from opposing extremism, the FLA’s closed Facebook page continually sees racist and Islamophobic posts’.

Stand Up to Racism & Unite Against Fascism are holding a mobilisation in opposition to the FLA, and will be meeting at 11.00am on 19 May in St Peter’s Square, Manchester.

Poet Tony Walsh, who read his poem ‘This is the Place’ at the Vigil following last year’s attack on the Arena, is also supporting the statement against the FLA.

Other signatories opposing the FLA include:  Julie Ward MEP, Wajid Khan MEP; GMB North West & Irish Region, PCS North West Region; UCU North West Region; UNISON North West Region; Show Racism the Red Card; DJ/Writer Dave Haslam; Regional Trades Unionists from the CWU, FBU, NUT-NEU, RMT, Unite; and many others.

Manchester City Councillor Rabnawaz Akbar, one of the organisers of the counter protest, said:  ‘We don’t need the Football Lads Alliance coming into our city peddling racism.  It is an insult to the memory of the 22 people who lost their lives and hundreds who were traumatised in the Arena attack last May.  I will be standing here in Manchester, shoulder to shoulder with the people of the city, in unity to make sure the Football Lads Alliance cannot pedal their hatred and bigotry in our city.’

Julie Ward, MEP for the North West of England, said:  ‘As the Labour Party’s spokesperson on Culture and Education in Europe, as MEP for NW England and as President of Greater Manchester Stand Up to Racism, I am very concerned about the threat of far-right Islamophobic group, the Football Lads Alliance.  I am honoured to represent Manchester which is one of the most multicultural cities in the world.  We love our music and our football and we despise organisations such as the FLA who seek to exploit the personal tragedies of those caught up in violent attacks.  Whether you support United or Man City this is one issue where we need to come together and stand firmly against racism and Islamophobia.  We are one, we love Manchester.  Refugees and migrants are welcome.  Racists and fascists are most definitely not!’

Paul Jenkins, from Unite Against Fascism, said:  ‘Key fascists such as ex EDL founder Tommy Robinson have been welcomed on FLA demos, and the FLA’s leadership includes people who have been members of fascist groups such as the EDL.  This shows the real aims of the FLA – to stir up racism, and to try to divide our communities at a sensitive time.  Our protest against the FLA is supported by people across Greater Manchester, including Dan Hett, the brother of a Manchester attack victim.  After last year’s horrific attack on the Arena, the city came together in a thousands-strong vigil, outside Manchester Town Hall, to pay tribute to all affected.   The FLA stand against that.  We urge everyone to join the Stand Up to Racism/Unite Against Fascism protest on Saturday to say no to the FLA, and to show that we will not let racists divide us.’


Analysis: Tommy Robinson’s ‘Day for Freedom’ – a new turning point for fascism and the far right

This article, by Martin Smith and Tash Shifrin, first appeared on Dream Deferred on 10 May 2018.

Part of the crowd in Whitehall waits for the Tommy Robinson rally to begin. Pic credit: Dream Deferred

Thousands of racists, far right activists and fascists marched through central London and staged a festival of hate outside Downing Street on Sunday 6 May. We want to set this event in a wider context – it illustrates how the far right is operating today and how it is drawing on trends across Europe and America. It marks a new departure even from previous mobilisations by Tommy Robinson and the Football Lads Alliance.

More than 5,000 took part all told, with up to 3,000 joining a feeder march organised by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) from Speaker’s Corner to the rally staged by “Tommy Robinson” (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) in Whitehall.

Precise numbers were hard to gauge – many of those of the DFLA feeder march did not go all the way to the rally, with large numbers preferring to go to the pub instead. At Whitehall, it was clear a different broader crowd had come directly to the rally, and large groups continued to arrive throughout the more than three-hour event.

But the scale and prestigious nature of the so-called “Day for Freedom” marked something new on the far right in Britain. Not since Oswald Mosley’s fascist rallies in Olympia and at the Royal Albert Hall in the 1930s have we seen such a professional set-up for the far right in Britain.

A large screen dominated Whitehall, which was closed off all afternoon, a powerful sound system played music and slick video clips set the mood. It was a cross between a festival and a political rally. And it had a strong ideological component.

A year of realignment

This is a rapidly developing far right racist movement, with fascists openly operating within it, but it has not emerged out of thin air.

Over the last 11 months Dream Deferred has reported on four separate protests organised by Robinson, the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) and the DFLA.

As early as June 2017 we warned that Tommy Robinson had mobilised “the EDL reloaded” in Manchester as a huge demonstration raised the ghosts of his previous organisation, the English Defence League.

Several thousand racists, fascists and assorted Islamophobes took to the streets of Manchester on Sunday 11 June. The so-called “UK Against Hate” demonstration was the biggest organised by a fascist street movement in Britain for more than five years.

We also produced an eyewitness report of the FLA’s first march in London, just two weeks later.

Two large scale mobilisations in the space of two weeks clearly shows that the far right are finding new ways to organise. We have not seen anything on this scale for more than five years.

Sunday’s demonstration is further evidence of the realignment of the far right in Britain. Now we see the two elements of last June coming together – Tommy Robinson, the poster boy of the far right with a huge social media following, and the DFLA – an alliance of football hooligan firms putting feet on the street.

And its nature has changed too, with a more visible presence of nazi and fascist groups and a much stronger presence of ideological figures from across the international far right – including the nazi activists and theorists of Generation Identity, and key figures from the “alt-right” and its growing media platforms in the US and Canada.

This is a new and complex movement, one that spans the full spectrum of the far right both in Britain and internationally, from UKIP to hardcore fascists. It is mobilising primarily around Islamophobia – but along with Muslims a range of the far right’s other targets are also in the frame.

We will look here at the range of groups and individuals taking part, at how the events of the day unfolded, at what the new movement is seeking to do and at some international parallels.

Components of the new movement

The star figure in this new movement and at Sunday’s protest was longtime fascist “Tommy Robinson” / Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, once a member of the nazi British National Party and later founding member and leader of the EDL. Until recently, he was aligned with Canada based “alt-right” media outlet Rebel Media, before going independent.

Yaxley-Lennon has built a huge social media following – and his political positions have hardened to the extent that he is now openly promoting and assisting leaders of the international Generation Identity groups.

The DFLA demo moves out of Hyde Park. Pic credit: Dream Deferred


The DFLA is the group that looks to have emerged strongest from internal tensions inside the FLA earlier this year. It is a far right racist alliance of football hooligan firms – “football lads” are not ordinary fans, it is what the hooligans call themselves. These are the footsoldiers of the movement.

>> Six things you need to know about the FLA

>> Behind the rival factions: FLA and DFLA

In Britain leaders of some of the largest and most violent hooligan firms – associated with Chelsea, Millwall, Tottenham and West Ham – have long been associated with fascist groups. These associations stretch back as far as the 1980s.

Right wing hooligan firms and fascist sections of football “ultras” are playing an increasingly important role in racist movements across Europe.

Breitbart’s Raheem Kassam at the rally. Pic credit: Nick Ullmann





The event was compered by Raheem Kassam, a powerful figure across the British and US far right, a personal associate of Donald Trump, former aide to Nigel Farage and editor in chief of the London wing of major “alt-right” media outlet Breitbart News.

Milo Yiannopoulos was one of the most popular speakers on the day. He is a major figure in the “alt-right” movement, a Donald Trump supporter with a huge social media following across the US and Britain. He is also a former senior editor for Breitbart. Yiannopoulos’s regular “shock jock” style is repulsive – but he is an important part of the re-education of the far right.

The day after Robinson’s rally Yiannopoulos announced that he had accepted the invitation of the Hungarian far right authoritarian Fidesz government to speak in Budapest at the end of May. The subject? Why Hungary and Poland are models of defiance and resistance to the European Union.

In a notable departure from previous party policy UKIP leader Gerard Batten spoke at the protest. While Nigel Farage took over a party that grew out of the Tory hard right and built it up through racist populism, he shied away from any association with fascist parties such as the BNP or the racist street thugs of the EDL.

Since the Brexit referendum UKIP’s vote has collapsed. Now Batten is seeking to rebuild it through a very different set of alliances. On Sunday he made a direct appeal to protestors to join UKIP. If the party re-emerges as a serious electoral presence on this basis, it would signal a much more dangerous prospect than the Farage party.

Anne Marie Waters, a virulent Islamophobe, leader of the far right For Britain party and the director of Sharia Watch UK, also spoke on Sunday’s protest, along with Shazia Hobbs, one of the far right’s favourite “ex-Muslims”.

The rally also heard from a speaker who has been banned from Britain by the home office. Lauren Southern, who appeared by video link, is significant both for her wide social media reach and for the increasingly extreme messages she spreads.

Southern, a Canadian whose profile grew through the far right Rebel Media outlet where Robinson also worked until recently, is now a regular mouthpiece for Generation Identity. GI and the Identitarian movement began in France and has deeply fascist roots. GI promotes “ethnopluralism” – effectively an all-white Europe, with non-whites removed elsewhere. GI has only a tiny presence in Britain, but its ideas are very influential across the European far right.

Other speakers included Gavin McInnes, founder of the “Western chauvinist” men-only Proud Boys organisation, which became notorious in the US for its members’ participation in a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where an antifascist protestor was murdered.

Entertainment at the event was provided by to far right “comedians”, sexist Liam Tuffs and “Count Dankula”, the YouTuber who was recently convicted of hate crime for videos in which he encouraged a pet dog to raise its paw in the nazi salute in response to phrases such as “Gas the Jews”.

The final component is Veterans Against Terrorism, whose leader Richard Inman spoke on the platform. Though small in number they play a key role in this movement, engendering nationalist pride and an over-inflated sense of British military might.

Robinson’s rally also drew significant international support, including a goodwill message from Australian senator and virulent racist Pauline Hanson. This is another signal of how internationalised the far right has become.

The DFLA march gets ready to start. Pic credit: Dream Deferred



How the day unfolded: the DFLA feeder march

The DFLA feeder march was not a full mobilisation for the DFLA, but was called in support of Robinson’s event after he abandoned his own previous plan to march from Speaker’s Corner to Twitter HQ. This was not the DFLA’s own choice of date.

Previous FLA and DFLA events have all been called during “international weeks” when there are no top-tier domestic football matches – Sunday’s rally, by contrast coincided with crucial end of season fixtures for many teams. This reduced the mobilisation from the hooligan firms and key DFLA leaders were noticeable by their absence.

However the DFLA group was still up to 3,000-strong. Compared with previous FLA/DFLA events, this had a more aggressive feel and, in a new development, fascist and far right flags and insignia were openly displayed by some grouplets.

Marching happily alongside the “football lads” were supporters of the White Pendragons, Generation Identity (with a prominent flag), EDL members and other fascist grouplets. A flag of “Kekistan” – a fake country that is a regular motif on the international far right – was also visible. It is based on the Nazi war flag of Hitler’s Germany (see photo).

The flag of nazi Generation Identity, flying on the DFLA march. Pic credit: Dream Deferred




The “Kekistan” flag flying on the DFLA demo is modelled on the war flag of Nazi Germany (inset). Pic credit: Dream Deferred

At the head of the march were current UKIP leader Gerard Batten and members of Veterans Against Terrorism in camouflage uniform, also apparently happy to associate with thugs and nazis such as GI.

The march grew as it progressed along the route and hundreds more football lads poured out of pubs and joined the demo at Trafalgar Square.

Other groups of hooligans wandered around central London looking for targets to attack. A group of the Chelsea Headhunters, a notorious nazi hooligan firm associated with the violent nazi group Combat 18, attacked the counter protest organised by Stand up to Racism.

Such violence clearly demonstrates the true nature of this movement. If it gets a chance it will try and smash any opposition it faces.

The rally

But the key event for the racists and fascists was Robinson’s rally at Whitehall.

This clearly had a broader appeal. Many on the DFLA feeder march wandered off to the pub as soon as the marching part of the day was over. Those assembled at the rally were a younger crowd that included more women. As you would expect the demo was overwhelmingly white.

The production was impressive. Whitehall was completely blocked by a huge stage, with giant video screen, a sound system and music blaring out before the speakers got going.

There was symbolism too in the presence of flags such as that of nazi Generation Identity flying directly outside Downing Street. Whatever our views of the Tory government, this is a location central to the idea of electoral democracy in Britain.

A flag of nazi Generation Identity flies at the rally outside Downing Street. Pic credit: Dream Deferred


For over three hours thousands of people listened to speaker after speaker spewing out putrid racist, anti-left and misogynist bile.

Compering the event, Raheem Kassam described the rally as “Our Woodstock”. This was clearly over the top but the speeches were interspersed with a Bernard Manning style comic turn from Liam Tuffs and a Donald Trump supporting drag queen singer, Vanity Von Glow.

Happily, the organisers’ attempts to co-opt sections of the LGBT+ community through the inclusion of Von Glow and Yiannopoulos, who is gay, appear to have backfired severely in London where several venues promptly cancelled Von Glow’s bookings.

The rally was called ostensibly to defend “free speech”. But in reality it was about promoting the far right’s “right” to taunt, mock and intimidate its enemies.

The modern far right’s keenness on taboo-breaking “comedians”, twisted humour and so-called irony is part of a strategy of desensitizing people to the reality of racism, sexism, violence and even genocide – this is why stunts like getting a dog to seig heil in response to the phrase “Gas the Jews” are genuinely dangerous.

It was clear from the speakers that they regarded Muslims as the main target. The speakers also aimed their fire at the “ruling elites”. Finally particular venom was aimed at Labour politicians Diane Abbott – Britain’s first black woman MP – and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. The left in its widest sense is a target too.

A placard at the “Day for Freedom” event makes clear demonstrators’ views of the left. Pic credit: Nick Ullmann


Significantly, this was also in parts a seriously ideological event, designed to “educate” and raise the political level of the far right in Britain. When Yiannopoulos got up to speak, one commentator said, “Respect the man: he is our Chomsky.”

Some speakers referred to concepts such as ethnopluralism, the “clash of civilisations” and privilege theory. This kind of discussion would have been unthinkable even a year ago – and would never have taken place at an EDL or BNP rally.

“Tommy Robinson” speaks at the rally. Pic credit: Nick Ullmann


Introduced with a musical fanfare, Tommy Robinson was the final speaker of the day. It was self-congratulatory, anti-elite and anti-Muslim rant. But he did provide antiracists with one important insight. At one point in his speech he said:

“The mainstream media, no one trusts them, people are searching for an alternative, that’s what we want to do.”

International echo

Sunday’s event drew heavily on individuals and ideas drawn from across the European and American far right – the far right is growing in confidence right across the piece.

These movements are very ideological and draw on a variety of fascist and far right theories. Figures such as Yiannopoulos and Lauren Southern are self-proclaimed “neo Gramscians of the right”. They believe that political victory can only be achieved after a cultural victory and therefore aim to establish a far right cultural hegemony.

Those on the left who are familiar with the old slogan, “Educate, agitate, organise”, should understand that this is in effect what the far right is now seeking to do on a huge scale.

There is now a far right in Europe that is not only cross-fertilising ideas but in some cases they are also working together in united causes. Therefore we are seeing UKIP happily sharing platforms with fascists and visa versa.

The coalition of forces involved on Sunday – unstable and in flux though their alliances may be – also bear a resemblance to developments elsewhere. The rise of the new right in Britain shares many similarities to the German street movement Pegida, for example.

Pegida was launched in October 2014 as an Islamophobic street movement, particularly targeting asylum seekers. Between 2014 and 2015 Pegida held a number of large street protests – on occasions they were able to mobilise over 20,000 supporters.

The founders of Pegida were influenced by the rise of the EDL, and Tommy Robinson, along with Anne Marie Walters, later made a failed attempt to form a branch of Pegida in Britain.

Pegida brought together far right and fascist football hooligans with parties such as the neo-nazi National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), the racist populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) and leading figures from the Identitarian movement.

This is a similar configuration to the combination of the DFLA, the fascist grouplets and the far right politicians we saw on Sunday’s “day for Freedom”.

Pegida was a foul racist movement, with fascists able to build in its midst – and was also able to mobilise significant numbers of people who previously had no political involvement.

Robinson’s event also illustrates the far right strategy of circumventing the mainstream media. His approach is modelled on the alt right in the US and the nazi Jobbik model in Hungary.

In the US the alt right has a massive social media presence and created its own news outlets, such as Breitbart.

In Hungary, Jobbik also has a large social media platform, its own internet-based television channel and radio stations. It also controls several newspapers and promotes large rock concerts and cultural events.

Jobbik has a significant presence in the Hungarian parliament – where it is the second party, after the authoritarian far right Fidesz – but it is also linked to a huge paramilitary organisation.

The potential impact of far right and fascist ideologues linking up with streetfighters provided by the football firms should not be underestimated.

Where next?

The racists and fascists are in a buoyant mood and will try to capitalise on their recent successes. At the same time, this is a fast developing situation, with the personalities and organisations involved – and their relations with each other – in a state of flux.

The recently ousted leader of the FLA, John Meighan, had called a demonstration for 19 May in Manchester – the date, which coincides with the FA Cup Final, was not popular with FLA members and it remains to be seen how committed his allies will be to that date. But the DFLA, which appears to have won the battle for leadership of the football firms has called a march in the same city on 2 June.

It is not yet clear what the next move of the likes of Tommy Robinson, Raheem Kassam, Milo Yiannopoulos or Gerald Batten will be. But against a background of far right racist parties and fascist movements growing across Europe and America, we have now seen a new departure for the far right in Britain.

The “Day for Freedom” was not just the EDL Mark II, but a far more ideological event. The dangers of hardcore politics, propagated on a wide scale through the internet, and allied with a racist street movement must not be underestimated.

>> Read all Dream Deferred’s coverage of the Football Lads Alliance / FLA / DFLA and Tommy Robinson

Thanks to Nick Ullmann for additional photos.