Author Archives: Gerry Gable

Stop racists’ and fascists’ Islamophobic “Day of Freedom”

On Sunday 6 May, fascist EDL founder Tommy Robinson and the racist DFLA (‘Democratic’ Football Lads Alliance) have organised a so-called ‘Day of Freedom’ for racists and Islamophobes in London.

They are seeking to use Islamophobia as a way of rebuilding the far right movement in the UK.

Tommy Robinson is a notorious racist who founded the far-right English Defence League, and has links with neo-nazi and fascist organisations. He has associated with alt-right organisations, and racists like Katie Hopkins.

Robinson, the DFLA and their supporters want to come to London to spread racism, and islamophobia. They plan to hold a rally at Speakers Corner.

Join us, Stand Up to Racism and Unite Against Fascism, in opposing them.

Organised by:
Stand Up to Racism
and Unite Against Fascism

Who Speaks for British Muslims – C4 Tomorrow at 8 pm

Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters writes:

Tomorrow, this documentary is airing and is a look into who speaks for British Muslims. The programme looks at groups who are divisive and who undermine the many progressive British Muslim voices that want pluralism within.

You may want to watch our for any hashtags that emanate from people on social media. A must watch and please do engage on social media so that your voices and thoughts are heard.

Birmingham MP condemns Football Lads Alliance march (FLA) and backs Stand Up To Racism campaign

The following press release was issued by Unite Against Fascism (UAF) today.

Birmingham Hall Green MP Roger Godsiff has condemned Saturday’s Football Lads Alliance protest and voiced support for the ‘Birmingham United’ unity event organised by Stand Up To Racism.

Roger Godsiff MP said:

‘I unreservedly condemn the Football Lads Alliance because it is an organisation seeking to divide our society and to claim to be, in any way, associated with mainstream football supporters is abhorrent.

‘To even suggest that the millions of people who show an affinity to a football club is somehow associated with vile and pernicious views against religious minorities is a total betrayal of everything football supporters stand for and that is why I am totally supportive of the Birmingham United stand up to racism campaign’.

The Football Lads Alliance claims to be non political and marching against extremism.

Yet The Observer exposed the FLA’s secret Facebook site with its racist and Islamophobic postings, threats against London Mayor Sadiq Khan and Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, and sympathy for Finsbury Park attacker Darren Osborne.

The organiser of today’s FLA march, John Meighan, has backed a far right march against the East London Mosque and welcomed ex English Defence League (EDL) leader onto Saturday’s demo.

Anne Marie Waters, leader of the far-right ‘For Britain’ party, is speaking on the FLA March and UKIP leader Gerard Batten is set to join the Democratic FLA protest in the city.

National figures such as TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady, Len McCluskey Unite the Union General Secretary, Kevin Courtney NEU Joint General Secretary, PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka, local campaigners Salma Yaqoob and Maz Saleem along with Roger Godsiff MP have signed a petition opposing the march and supporting the positive, anti-racist mobilisation.

The event ‘Birmingham United’ calls on “all people of good will to stand together in Birmingham against all forms of racism and Islamophobia. We believe that football is for all, women and men, black and white, LGBT and straight, people of all religions and none.”

Details of the march on Saturday 24 March are here. Stand Up To Racism is a national anti-racist organisation with support across the Labour and Trade Union Movement, faith and community groups. Last Saturday 17 March they organised a national demonstration against the rise in hate crime and the far right which attracted over 20,000 people.

Hungarian Nazi leader to be opposed in London

Unite Against Fascism (UAF) will oppose the leader of Hungary’s fascist Jobbik party at Gloucester Road tube station in west London tonight.

Gabor Vona had been due to speak at Kings College London, but due to anti-fascist pressure his meeting was “postponed’’. We sincerely hope the meeting is cancelled permanently. Jobbik supporters in London are now to gather at Gloucester Road tube, from 5.30pm, to try to hear Vona’s hate speech.

UAF will be there to oppose them.

Jobbik is one of Europe’s main fascist parties. It has 24 MPs, three MEPs and is second in the opinion polls, in the run-up to April’s elections. It has led violent pogroms against Roma people and members have assaulted refugees trying to seek sanctuary in Hungary. Jobbik claims to have “modernised” but at its core is a fascist message aimed at Roma people, Muslims and all who oppose its hate.

Next month Hungary goes to the polls. The reactionary, right-wing party Fidesz is being challenged by Jobbik, who have pushed Fidesz into aping some of Jobbik’s views.

It would have been abhorrent to have had Vona at Kings. We congratulate the many staff and students at the college and UAF members who have campaigned in the last few days to have Vona stopped. No doubt he would have used such a prestigious institution to gain respectability.

There can be no place for fascists, in Hungary or on our campuses. UAF had called for a picket should Vona speak at the college. The last time Jobbik attempted to hold a central London rally, they were curtailed by anti fascists.

UAF Joint Secretary Weyman Bennett said.

“It’s good that the many staff, students and anti-fascists at Kings and beyond have worked tirelessly to stop Vona being able to put out an antisemitic and Islamophobic message, there. His scuttling around London today will not be unopposed.

“Hungarian anti-fascists deserve all the solidarity they can get and we are glad to say that a fascist figurehead in Europe has been no-platformed. Coming in the week where the far right have polled well in the Italian elections, we must resist the rise of the new fascists.

“Fascists such as Vona should know that UAF and others will seek to curtail his poison, when he looks to gain support from Hungarians in the UK. We will march in the UK in London, Wales and Scotland, on March 17th, against today’s racists and fascists.”