Author Archives: Searchlight Team

‘We held the Square’

A Searchlight reader reports on yesterday’s events in Plymouth

At least two hundred fascists faced us last night, and I would estimate three hundred antifascist protestors were present, including a core group prepared to meet the fascists head on, if needed. 

The Stand Up To Racism counter-demo began at 6pm in Guildhall Square, and there was already a notable fash presence, despite their own demo (riot) not being due to start until 7pm. The police presence was light, and we were forced to repel a number of fash that attempted to infiltrate to heckle and attack speakers. 

As the clock ticked towards 7, more and more police vehicles began to surround us, but worryingly, we seemed to have small groups of fash on all four sides of us, just standing around monitoring us, seemingly unnoticed or ignored by the police. Some – who we assume were organisers – appeared to be communicating with ear-pieces. Just before 7, it became apparent there was a very large fascist presence moving south towards us from Armada Way. They were stopped by a line of police, and chanting began from both sides. As far as I could tell, they were completely drowned out by our side. 

Towards 8pm, the lead fash elements began to try and break clear of the police, making their way east along Royal Parade, our small group followed them to prevent them breaking through to the main counter-demo – and found ourselves directly face to face with them, with punches being thrown at us for a few moments, until the police managed to get back in between us again. A stand-off then ensued on the corner of Whimple Street, and before long we found ourselves under a barrage of beer cans, bottles and rocks the size of my hand. Multiple people around me went down in need of medical attention.

The fash then moved to the opposite end of Armada Way, towards the Theatre Royal, attempting to get around the police to get at us again. We continued to shadow them, and again had to meet them head on before the police could separate us. A giant antifascist faced multiple attackers alone, protecting those behind him, and despite his injuries, was back amongst us with a smile on his face moments later.

The fash then began chucking more rocks and flares at us, but continued to be drowned out by our chanting. At around 9pm, the stewards decided to call an end to the counter protest, leaving those of us that remained heavily outnumbered and under a barrage of missiles, and probably in trouble of being overrun without the police presence. Multiple people close to me took blows from rocks and coins thrown from the north side of Royal Parade, the fash then brought out some fireworks – and hit themselves with them far more than they hit us, prompting much laughter from our side. They began to look increasingly demoralised, despite a core group still throwing projectiles at us and trying to start chants. 

Towards 10pm, the police forced the fash back up Armada Way, putting them out of projectile range. By half 10, we couldn’t see them, and the remaining antifascist group began to thin out.

We held the square throughout, and the fash left frustrated, but it’s clear we’re going to have to do it all again in the very near future.  

Searchlight welcomes reports from readers and supporters about far right activity in their areas, and actions taken to oppose them.

Riot instigator-in-chief runs for cover…

As racist riots disfigure town and cities across the UK, the man who first went online broadcasting to thousands and calling for riots, is desperately backtracking as he tries to avoid prosecution and jail.

It was Tommy Robinson’s right hand man and former bodyguard Danny Tommo (real name Daniel Thomas) who, last Monday just after the Southport murders, went online broadcasting to tens of thousands, screaming that “Every city has to go up”; a call to action that is now having dreadful consequences in communities around the country.

Perhaps someone has pointed out to him that two sentences of four years were handed out after the 2011 riots to individuals promoting the riots on Facebook. And they were underage.

Anyway, Tommo’s original YouTube video has now been taken down ‘by the uploader’. But he shouldn’t relax too quickly – we have a copy safely archived and it will of course be available to the investigating authorities, should they need it.

BBC Verify tried to establish on Friday where the first call for riot had come from. They concluded that it was an anonymous Twitter account in the name of ‘Lord Simon’ whom they described as “an influencer associated with Yaxley-Lennon” (ie Tommy Robinson).

Had they looked a little closer they would perhaps have noticed that the video in question, uploaded to that account, was Danny Tommo’s original YouTube video. Yes, it was definitely he who first called for riots.

Danny Tommo’s call for riots, as it appeared on the Lord Simon Twitter account

And had the BBC examined the account even more carefully, they might have concluded that it bears all the hallmarks of being operated by or in co-operation with Danny Tommo himself. It also carried, for instance, his live streams from the Downing St disturbances on Wednesday evening.  Now, Tommo is facing up to the prospect of arrest and jail time and he’s getting worried, so he’s backing off his earlier calls to action. His latest video claims that:

“The press are coming after me with sinister allegations about me instigating riots which is absolutely unfounded and not true”.

We look forward to seeing what a jury makes of that.

He also claims that all he ever did at the Downing St protest on Wednesday – which ended up with serious disorder – was make it clear that “we were not there to burn, not there to fight anyone, we were not there to attack anyone”.  Honest…

And, he added for the benefit of his detractors, the only reason he legged it when trouble kicked off was because his comrades told him it was his duty not to get arrested.

Lord Simon, his apparent alter ego, is also backtracking. On Friday night he posted that:

“The fires have been lit in Sunderland. Lads, this is not what it’s about. Protest and show your voices. A show of strength to show we are still here. Don’t destroy your towns and property”.

But it’s too late for that. The original Danny Tommo video, broadcast to his 68,000 You Tube followers and thousands more on Twitter, and now being put into action by racist gangs across the country, was unequivocal:

 “Every city has to go up.

“Get prepared. Be ready. We have to.

“It has to go off in different cities.

“We have to show them we’ve had enough…”

And, as towns and cities across the country are ‘going up’ it cannot be too soon before this lowlife is called to account.

But there is one lingering irony in the story of Danny Tommo, the riot inciter-in-chief. On many of his videos and posts he bashes on about the need for emergency legislation to curb knife crime.

This, however, is just a touch rich coming from a man who in 2016 was jailed for two years for attempted kidnap, using knives, in a dispute over stolen drugs.

After the Southport killings – who is responsible for the racist riots?

Who is behind the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and, when all said and done, just plain racist riots that have spreading across the UK over the last couple of days? Fascist groups including Patriotic Alternative and Britain First, who have done their damnedest to incite such angry racism for years, are secretly whooping with delight at what has taken place since the awful Southport murders. But let’s not make the mistake of believing that they actively organised it.

Some of these groups’ members may have been spotted at particular incidents (no one wears a Free Sam Melia T-shirt at random!) but by and large they are just piggybacking events that are perhaps more football hooligan flashmob in nature. These parties (and especially their leaders) are very happy to stand back and let events take their course, without suffering any legal repercussions themselves. And all the time, of course, wringing their hands and saying, “We warned you this would happen…”

PA Deputy Leader Laura Towler, for instance, the wife of race hate jailbird Sam Melia, went online to specifically deny the group had organised anything.

For Britain First’s Paul Golding it was the predictable script: “I don’t condone violence, but can you blame them in Southport for attacking the police …?”

The British Democrats also sought to distance themselves from the violence: “While protesting and demonstrating are within our rights, we must not allow our anger or outside influence to turn the protest into a riot.”

But don’t be misled. This arse-covering blather is purely for public consumption. They may not be orchestrating things, but privately they are delighted at developments.

But even out on the further reaches of the right, there is – predictably – nothing like unanimity.

Dover fascist Steve Laws, who was arrested at the London thugfest on Wednesday, was disappointed “to see our own disavow the people willing to do what was necessary” (translation: attacking the Southport mosque and battering the police).

Peter Rushton, Deputy Editor of the neo-Nazi umbrella outfit Heritage and Destiny, asked: “And just how does a bunch of rioters attacking a mosque (in response to a crime committed by someone with no apparent connection whatever to Islam), or burning a police car, take us any closer to getting our country back? Wasn’t last night a step backwards?”

Alek Yerbury, leader of the emergent National Rebirth Party, denounced the Southport rioters as ‘feral’ and, writing the morning after, said: “By all accounts, there is significant collateral damage to the local population, with gardens destroyed, property smashed and even a shop looted.

“Therefore my recommendation to nationalists in Merseyside is to go to the street in question and offer assistance to the predominantly white British population there in remedying that collateral damage.”

We have no idea how many nationalists responded to Yerbury’s call. We suspect they might have received short shrift from residents had they revealed who they were.

Curiously, Yerbury’s partner, Katie ‘Sanity’ Fanning, took a rather different line:

“I’m rather pleased to see displays of righteous anger taking place across our nation. People ask what will it achieve. Most humans are followers they look to the actions and words of others to see what they should do. Even if they have felt anger towards what is being done to our people and our nations they have thought that to show it would make them outcast which is something the majority fear, when they see growing displays of anger they then feel that it is also OK for them to publicly show theirs.”

If you want to apportion blame for the rioting then most of the opprobrium must fall squarely on the Channel tunneler ‘Tommy Robinson’, his sidekick ‘Danny Tommo’ and their supposedly more respectable enablers such as Laurence Fox, Katie Hopkins and UKIP ersatz leader Nick Tenconi. Those last three were at The Fugitive’s Trafalgar Square rally last weekend, giving his hate-filled activities their shabby seals of approval. Even before that, they had been lionising him on social media. They bear a heavy responsibility.

When the Southport murders were reported they lost no time in peddling the lie-filled narrative doing the far-right rounds, that the alleged killer was a Muslim and an illegal migrant:

‘Hatie’ Katie Hopkins: “His name is Ali al Shaqti…The police are covering up for illegals.”

Laurence ‘Looza’ Fox: “Enough of this. We need to remove Islam from Great Britain. Completely and entirely”.

Nick ‘Temp’ Tenconi alleged that the Southport killer was “under orders”. 

And then there was Nigel Farage.

On Wednesday, this irredeemable wretch of a man went on TV to ask if the public was being deceived about the motive for the Southport attack. Like other attacks, he said, the police have said it was ‘non-terror related’.  Why, he asked, were we always told that such attacks were ‘non-terror related’.

“I just wonder whether the truth is being withheld from us. I don’t know the answer to that, but it is a fair and legitimate question…”

Let’s bounce that back and ask: “Is Nigel Farage a child-molester? We don’t know the answer to that, but it is a fair and legitimate question…”

Neither of those is, in fact, even remotely a “fair and legitimate question” because, of course, there is not the faintest shred of evidence to support either proposition. Both are false. It’s just an utterly dishonest way of floating a scurrilous suggestion in the hope that it will gain some traction. 

We note, in fairness, that Farage’s Reform UK underling Richard Tice has denounced the violence in unequivocal terms. It was, he said, “Appalling and utterly condemned… The full weight of the law must rain down on the rioters.”

Even so, it’s a bit rich coming from someone who has put in a solid shift to whip up prejudice against migrants and asylum seekers, but at least this is direct and unambiguous. Which is more than can be said for Farage. As far as we can tell, he has uttered not a single condemnatory world about the rioters.

The man who bears more responsibility than most for the dreadful events of the last few days is Tommy Robinson’s mate and right-hand man, ‘Danny Tommo’, a criminal lowlife who is more than ever Robinson’s representative in the UK since Robinson scarpered back to Spain at the weekend to avoid a court appearance and probable jail.

It was Tommo, real name Daniel Thomas, who broadcast the call to riot online on Monday night. It was directed at all their mates in various hooligan gangs and football firms round the country – the dregs of the now disbanded English Defence League – and this was the rallying call to which the racist hooligans and far-right thugs responded.

Just recall what he said, filmed fuming in his car:

“Every city has to go up.”

“Get prepared. Be ready. We have to.”

 “It has to go off in different cities.”

“We have to show them we’ve had enough.”

 “I’m ready to go. I know that a lot of you are. I’m speaking to other people at the moment”.

 “We’re ready to go. We are, literally, ready to go.”

“Just get ready.”

It goes without saying, though, that when it did ‘go off’ in Southport, he was nowhere to be seen.

He it was who also helped launch the call for another demonstration in London on Wednesday night. This, too, ended in violence and mayhem, but Tommo – predictably – was not among the 100 or so arrested. According to witnesses, at the first sign of trouble he legged it.

We trust the police will not delay too long before knocking on his door and inviting him to help them with their inquiries.

Robinson himself has started backtracking. The man of many aliases but whose real middle name is ‘Gutless’ is trying to put some distance between himself and the criminal acts of those who attacked police officers whilst chanting his name.

“We will not win our country back by throwing rocks. I fully understand your anger & I stand with the heartbroken & devastated community in Southport…”

A community whose heartbreak he and his vile chums added to immeasurably on Tuesday night.

Tommy Robinson’s right hand man incites riots then bottles it

One noticeable thing about the Southport riot was the glaring absence of the inciter-in-chief, Tommy Robinson’s right-hand man, Danny Tommo.

Real name Daniel Thomas, it was Tommo who went online on Monday night calling for riots, and angrily declaring that “every city has to go up”. “I’m ready. I’m ready to go” he screamed.

Except he wasn’t.

Many racist hooligan types did heed his call and turned up in Southport last night to attack local muslims. It mattered nothing to them that it is highly unlikely that the Southport killer was even a Muslim. That was widely known last night. No, for them, this had nothing to do with the actual killings. They gleefully seized the tragedy as an opportunity to attack the St Lukes Rd mosque. In the process they hospitalised dozens of police officers and forced local (white!) people to flee their homes for their own safety.

As if that community had not suffered enough; they now had to bear this vile spectacle courtesy of Robinson and Tommo.

But Tommo himself was nowhere to be seen. It’s straight out of the gutless Robinson playbook: call out the troops, get them fired up, then slope away and keep out of trouble yourself.

We can only hope that, along with scouring CCTV and footage shot at the scene to identify the perpetrators, police will also be looking closely at Tommo’s video of the day before. A clearer cut case of incitement it would be hard to find.

Read about it here:

The great ‘Tommy Robinson’ passport mystery

Far-right provocateur’s cross-Channel flit to escape the High Court’s scrutiny revives questions about what identities he is travelling under – and why Canadian border authorities thought he was born in Ireland

The absurd but apparently true story of how the far-right activist best known by his alias ‘Tommy Robinson’ (one of many) has fled Britain to continental Europe – just hours before he was due to be grilled in the High Court on an issue that could potentially have led to time behind bars – again raises questions about what documents the serial criminal is travelling under.

Stephen Lennon, as he is most likely known at the moment, was due to be examined by Mr Justice Johnson on Monday (29 July 2024) to determine whether he had committed contempt of court by making and screening a ‘documentary’ containing false allegations that he had already been directed by the court not to repeat.

Disregarding the requirement to appear in court on Monday, Lennon attempted to cross to France on the Sunday, via Le Shuttle, and was promptly detained at Eurotunnel Folkestone Terminal by counter-terrorism police (CTP). Though the authorities have restricted their comments to the familiar ‘a 41-year-old man’ format, that it was ‘Tommy’ is now widely known, not least because the man himself has publicised the fact.

According to Lennon, he was questioned for hours (at a location of international entry and exit, CTP have about seven hours of leeway to do this) before being arrested and charged – apparently for refusing to supply his smartphone PIN on request.

Puzzlingly, the police then released him on unconditional bail. With no proscription on travel in place, Lennon was free to simply switch from Shuttle (trains carrying road vehicles and their passengers) to Eurostar (trains for ‘foot’ passengers only) and travel to France regardless, leaving his High Court appointment blowing in the wind and the UK authorities looking at best uncoordinated (some might use ‘clown car’ as a simile of choice).

It is not unreasonable to presume that Lennon used a passport (possibly more than one) during this debacle. Searchlight staff familiar with Eurotunnel Folkestone Terminal say that CTP screening occurs after passengers have cleared Passport Control, so to get that far Lennon would need to have proffered a passport for inspection. He will also need to have cleared Passport Control to have travelled by Eurostar.

‘Well,’ you may think, ‘he’s a UK citizen, he presents a UK passport, he clears Passport Control. Nothing mysterious about that’. Nor is there, if the premise is correct. It is presumed that Lennon has a British passport, but this is not as cut-and-dried as it sounds. The last time we can remember him being publicly identified as owning a UK travel document, it was under a different name to the one he is currently known by.

Back in 2013, when ‘Robinson’ was on trial at Southwark crown court for using someone else’s passport in an attempt to enter the United States undetected (he was found guilty and imprisoned for 10 months), it came out during the hearing that he travelled back from the US on a passport in the name of Paul Harris, and that this was a valid, legal document.

Even the trial judge was puzzled, and stated: “I am going to sentence you under the name of Stephen Lennon, although I suspect that is not actually your true name, in the sense that it is not the name that appears on your passport.” Searchlight sources say that Lennon had changed his name to Paul Harris by deed poll, though this cannot be confirmed because such identity shifts are officially confidential, and publication of the fact only occurs if the individual chooses to do so themselves.

For the same reason, we cannot actually be sure that he ever changed it back from Paul Harris. He has certainly been prosecuted as Stephen Lennon in the intervening years, but as the 2013 case illustrates, it seems to be possible in this country to be arrested, tried and even go to prison under an ‘also known as’ identity. There is, though, inconclusive but convincing evidence that Lennon is travelling, at least some of the time, on a Republic of Ireland passport.

On a recent ‘speaking tour’ of Canada, which collapsed on itself because, apparently, almost no one wanted to listen to him, Lennon aborted the exercise by contriving to get himself arrested in Calgary (pictured above), where he was wanted in connection with immigration offences.

Far from keeping this quiet, Lennon posted online a photograph of a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) notice of rights issued to him as someone arrested or detained by the agency. Unsurprisingly this carries his correct date of birth. Slightly more surprisingly, it gives his surname simply as ‘Lennon’ and his given name(s) as just ‘Stephen’. The surprise here being that his full name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, which is what we would expect to see if the form had been completed with reference to a British passport.

Definitely more surprising is that under ‘Country of citizenship’ the agency has stated ‘Ireland’. It seems more than reasonable to conclude from this that Lennon was travelling on an Irish passport. There is no reason to regard this as suspicious in itself. It is widely believed that Lennon’s mother, whose maiden name was Carroll, was born in Dublin, and this would unquestionably qualify him for Irish citizenship and an Eire passport. It might fly somewhat in the face of his expressed passion for Brexit and his Ingerlund-till-I-die public persona, but there’s nothing even faintly illegal about it.

Most surprising of all is that under ‘Country of birth’ the CBSA form also states ‘Ireland’. And the reason that this is so surprising is that it simply isn’t true. ‘Tommy Robinson’ was born Stephen Christopher Yaxley (he added the ‘Lennon’ later) on 27 November 1982 in Luton, England.

The CBSA does not comment on any individual, completed example of the arrest / detention form, for privacy reasons. (In fact they were not even allowed to confirm whether the form Lennon posted online was authentic). But in an effort to be as helpful as they are allowed to be, they did supply Searchlight with the information that “In general, the Agency uses a combination of information available to CBSA officials to assess identity. This may include travel documents presented by the individual as well as other documentation and biometric information (if available).”

So while we are never going to get an answer from CBSA on whence, specifically, they drew the data that Stephen Lennon was born in Ireland, they have clearly gained this impression from somewhere within their “information available”.

It seems fair, then, to wonder what has led the Canadians to this conclusion. Because Lennon should have no official documentation issued in either the UK or ROI detailing him as having been born in Ireland. And it strikes us as reasonable to call on the British, Irish and Canadian authorities to compare notes about what is going on here – and in particular to ensure that any passport(s) in use by Lennon are populated with accurate data, including his full name and correct place of birth.