Author Archives: Searchlight Team

Yerbury outflanks Patriotic Alternative boss Collett and sets public showdown

By Paul Gale

Alek Yerbury, founder and leader of the National Rebirth Party, and the chap with a penchant for pencil moustaches and military-style great coats, has again put pen to paper to offer a comment for the Searchlight website.

Now, it has to be said that Mr Yerbury is, by a considerable distance, the most courteous nazi we have had contact with, not dealing (thus far at least) in gratuitous abuse. So, we have informed him, equally courteously, that he can write all the comments he likes but we won’t be publishing them. It’s been our policy for almost 50 years not to offer a platform to those of his ilk, and we have no intention of changing it now.

However, we do feel we had to share a bit of his offering, given the light it sheds on the divides increasingly opening up between himself and others on the far right with whom he was not so long ago associated.

Yerbury is responding to our story about a recent, rather unsavoury, guest on Patriotic Alternative leader Mark Collett’s online talk show. The guest in question was Jeremy MacKenzie, a far-right activist, ex-military veteran and gun-nut who, on his own podcast, had publicly discussed raping the wife of the Canadian Conservative Party leader.

According to Yerbury: “This is what happens when people live in echo chambers. The worst aspects of their personality just get inflamed and reinforced”.

Note that rather pointed dig: “…the worst aspects of their personalities…” According to Yerbury, what he calls “enclave groups” tend to produce “extremely asocial mentalities”. Altogether, a not very flattering appraisal of the Mark Collett psyche, it has to be said.

Virtually alone on the extreme right, Yerbury is advocating complete abstention from the general election: don’t vote, don’t even waste your time spoiling you ballot paper. “The NRP” he says, “will go on the offensive when it is organised and equipped to do so, and therefore when it is organised and equipped to succeed, and not before”.

Yerbury is obsessive about the far right starting to talk about strategy rather than what divides it ideologically.  And whilst he has nothing but total contempt for Farage and Reform, he also has little time for some of his even further right rivals. So now, like some Prussian aristo dusting off his duelling pistols, he has been using David Clews’s Unity News Network to challenge leaders of other nationalist parties to public debate where he intends to attack their record of strategic failure (it has to be said, he has a bit of a point in this respect…) and offer his own 20-point master plan for Britain’s future greatness.

Although the challenge is general, the person he has in his sights and whom he was trying to strong arm into a public showdown is Collett, whose PA represents the most immediately winnable pool of potential recruits to the National Rebirth Party. Collett, backed into a corner, has reluctantly agreed but is very unhappy, feeling he has no option but to pick up Yerbury’s glove or lose considerable face.

The PA man is not relishing it, though. He knows he has walked into a trap set specifically with him in mind.

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Patriotic Alternative leader’s latest chat show guest is a real charmer…

We know that Patriotic Alternative leader Mark Collett is not too fussy about the company he keeps – but this one really wins prizes.

Last week he treated viewers to his Patriotic Weekly Review online talk show – not for the first time – to an interview with a gentleman who goes by the name of Raging Dissident. Raging Dissident is, in fact, Canadian extreme right winger, military veteran and gun nut Jeremy MacKenzie, leader of far-right group Diagolon, who’s had numerous brushes with the law on firearms related matters and for harassment of public health officials

But he is also the chap who, in an online podcast with fellow Diagolon member Alex Vriend in 2022, discussed raping Anaida Galindo, the wife of Canadian Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre.

“Let’s rape her” Mackenzie said, “It’s not really a sex thing. It’s like we just want to show people that we can do things to you if we want to. It’s a power move”.

A real charmer…

Farage ‘suspends’ extreme candidates – but still wants you to vote for them!

Reform UK has dropped its candidate for Derbyshire Dales, Edward Oakenfull (above) for derogatory comments about sub-Saharan Africans and Muslims – a mere 11 days after they were reported by the BBC.

Also dropped is Barnsley North candidate Robert Lomas (below) who said that black people should “get off [their] lazy arses” and stop acting “like savages”. Those remarks were reported in the Times three weeks ago.

Leslie Lilley (below) the candidate for Southend East and Rochford, illustrates that three’s the charm by being dropped after saying of migrants arriving on small boats that they were ”scumbags” and that ”I’ll slaughter them then have their family taken out.”

Jaw-droppingly, Reform is still asking the electorate to vote for these supposed outcasts regardless, as a gesture of support for the Reform ”policy platform” not the candidates themselves. Which is very much a case of having your fruit-and-nutcake and eating it.

So, in just what sense are these bigots suspended? According to a party spokesman they would have to sit as independent MPs. Their election being a prospect up there alongside Nigel Farage’s chances of winning a mixed martial artists’ beauty pageant.

Former UKIP Deputy Leader threatens Electoral Commission complaint

Rebecca Jane, UKIP’s former Deputy Leader whose salvo of allegations published in Searchlight last week precipitated a further crisis and exodus of members, has not finished with UKIP yet.

She has now written to party treasurer Ian Garbutt (below) reminding him that in this role he is the officer principally responsible to the Electoral Commission for ensuring that the party meets its legal and financial obligations.

She says that when she left the party in January, she raised concerns with the NEC about how the time that Chairman Ben Walker works for and is paid for by UKIP is audited and suggested there should be an investigation. She is now asking Garbutt, before she takes the matter to the Electoral Commission, whether this was done.

She also claims that she is owed thousands of pounds in expenses from her term as Deputy Leader and is asking for them to be reimbursed forthwith. This might prove difficult: she says the debt amounts to several thousand pounds but this would, according to accounts filed at Companies House, be considerably more than normally resides in the party’s bank account.

Bill Etheridge’s dramatic online resignation from the party has also had serious repercussions. The only other candidate against Lois Perry in the leadership election, Etheridge (below) was a UKIP veteran of many years standing, formerly a UKIP MEP. Not only he, but the vast majority of party activists (and indeed Searchlight) expected him to cruise home against a rival who had only joined the party a few weeks earlier in order to stand for leader.

In the event, Perry won with almost 80% of the vote and then, a few weeks later, after warmly endorsing Nigel Farage and Reform, suddenly announced her resignation on health grounds.

Etheridge bottled up his anger for a while but in the end, couldn’t resist firing off against Walker, the election returning officer and then quitting the party.

Almost immediately, he was followed by Retired Squadron Leader Peter Richardson, till very recently the party’s Defence and Veterans spokesperson and highly respected by the membership. Contacted by Walker to establish, presumably, if he would remain loyal, Richardson replied by resigning immediately from the party. Revelations about Walker’s claims regarding his own military record are said to have weighed in Richardson’s decision.

Etheridge accompanied his online resignation announcement by saying he would not be joining or support Reform. That was taken to refer to his barely disguised endorsement of a theory put to him on a radio show that Perry’s resignation was part of a Reform-engineered plot to destroy UKIP.

This was not the only factor weighing against him joining Reform: Etheridge left UKIP temporarily back in 2018 and a year later approached Reform’s predecessor, the Brexit Party, only to be turned away. Even they, presumably, could see the PR downside of his earlier antics with golliwogs in defence of ‘free speech’. Meanwhile, Etheridge is the subject of truly epic effusions of bile on the leading UKIP activists WhatsApp Group, oddly called ‘Smoked Haddock Banter’.

UKIP is now being led, on an interim basis, by Deputy Leader Nick Tenconi, formerly of Turning Point UK. This creates the bizarre situation of a political party being led by someone elected by nobody, who only joined the party some two months ago precisely in order to be parachuted in as Deputy Leader. No wonder increasing numbers of members are just jumping ship.

Pictures: Rebecca Jane (top); Bill Etheridge (below, left); Ian Garbutt (below right).

Read Rebecca Jane’s open letter to UKIP members here:

New alliances take shape on UK extreme right

New alliances on the British far right are shaping up in advance of polling day.

The Social Democratic Party – not the 1980s “Gang of Four” but anti-immigration populists who have tried to resist the “right-wing” label – has an alliance with Reform UK (though far from a complete one). This is why Reform UK has stood aside in all five Sheffield constituencies and at least two other Yorkshire seats.

It’s difficult to see how this alliance will survive if one or the other party has Westminster seats and has to agree a party line. The SDP claims to adopt some “Old Labour” economic policies, while Reform UK are hardline neo-Thatcherites, and in some cases American-style libertarians.

An even broader alliance involves the English Democrats, UKIP, and Patriotic Alternative. This is complicated by PA also choosing also to work with the other main British fascist party, the British Democrats. Yorkshire PA members have been out leafleting with Brit Dem candidate Frank Calladine in Yorkshire, but they have been conspicuously absent from the campaigns of their English Democrat allies in Barnsley.

Cynics might imagine this is because one of the Barnsley ED candidates is of partly Caribbean origin.

Another complication is that Collett’s bitter enemies in Kenny Smith’s Homeland Party also try to be friendly with the EDs.

The third far right grouping contains two other breakaway factions from PA, the mainly Midlands and East Anglia based “Independent Nationalists”, and Alek Yerbury’s military-style National Rebirth Party, which so far as we can tell has its main strength in Yorkshire.

Whereas PA and Homeland cosy up to the EDs, and debate the pros and cons of voting for Reform in the vast majority of constituencies where there is no ED or Brit Dem candidate, Yerbury takes a more purist line.

He rejects Reform, UKIP and the EDs as multiracialist. For Yerbury, the whole point of racist politics is to stick to your principles.

It remains to be seen whether Mr Yerbury’s principles will stretch to an alliance with Nick Griffin. The former BNP Führer is sniffing around for allies, thinking he can market his last remaining dregs of credibility.

Are we going to see a Griffin-Yerbury alliance competing with the Brit Dem geriatrics, the Homeland opportunists, and those PA activists who can stay out of jail?

And if so, who will recruit the small army of racists and nutters who have been found too extreme (or too candid) for Reform UK.

Such people might not have much ability or credibility, but they do have cheque books, which perhaps explains Nick Griffin’s sudden reappearance with the dramatic allegation yesterday claim that Nigel Farage was once a member of the National Front. Griffin is clearly trying to elbow himself back into relevance. As yet, there has been no response from Farage.

Picture: North West Patriotic Alternative activists campaign for PA member standing as ‘English Democrat’ candidate.