Author Archives: Searchlight Team

‘Sneaky’ Farage betrays hardline loyalist allies

Nigel Farage’s return to the political frontline hasn’t been an altogether smooth ride. Soon after parachuting into Clacton, he was denounced by the sitting Reform UK candidate he had peremptorily displaced. Anthony Mack, now standing against Farage as an Independent, wrote on Facebook: “It’s those sneaky f******s who disguise themselves as good people who do bother me.” No prizes for guessing which “sneaky f****r” he had in mind.

Now the “sneaky f****r” has got himself into difficulties is Northern Ireland. A few weeks before Farage returned to take back the reins of Reform UK from his front man Richard Tice, the party agreed an electoral pact with Traditional Unionist Voice, a hardline right-wing outfit which rejects any compromise with the EU over post-Brexit border questions.

Happier times – Richard Tice signs pact with TUV’s Jim Allister

And as Searchlight has previously exposed, the party includes several former members of the National Front.

Paul Kingsley is a leading TUV campaigner in Belfast and was election agent for a TUV candidate in last year’s Belfast City Council elections. He spent years in England as a prominent fascist in several parties, first as an NF candidate in Hull, then after a mid-1970s split as editor of British Worker, published by the National Party, and eventually with another breakaway from the NF, the British Democratic Party.

Paul Kingsley

The BDP collapsed after Searchlight mole Ray Hill exposed its gun-running plots. Kingsley went on to work closely with one of Britain’s leading post-war nazis, the civil servant Denis Pirie, but after their schemes collapsed he steadily distanced himself from all of the 1980s NF factions.

Dedicating himself instead to hardline unionism, Kingsley tried to infiltrate the local government union NALGO but his schemes were again exposed by Searchlight.

Another fascist in TUV is John Hiddleston, who first became active with the NF while a student at Queen’s University Belfast. Hiddleston edited the NF’s Northern Ireland journal British Ulsterman

John Hiddleston

After the debacle of the NF’s multiple splits and the failure of NP, BDP and other breakaway parties, Hiddleston emigrated to South Africa. He became involved with several extremist, pro-apartheid movements opposed to any reform of the racist regime.

These included the South African Conservative Party (one of whose MPs was jailed for his involvement in the murder of leading ANC official Chris Hani) and the Herstigte Nasionale Party.

Hiddleston was denounced as a British intelligence informant by rival racists including Alan Harvey, founder of South African Patriot and the Swinton Circle. But he used a range of connections within the Orange Order, and his friendship with well-connected nazis including ex-NF, NP, League of St George, and BNP fixer Steve Brady, to maintain his position in unionism.

After returning from South Africa, Hiddleston was a Northern Ireland Assembly candidate for the Ulster Unionist Party. He then defected to the new TUV, and was a Belfast City Council candidate for them last year.

As Nigel Farage has always been the owner and ultimate controller of Reform UK even before he formally became leader, we can assume he knew about and approved the deal with TUV.

But this week he caused consternation by tearing up the deal and endorsing DUP rather than TUV candidates in two crucial constituencies. One of the candidates Farage is backing, apparently for no other reason that he was a pal of Farage’s during the Brexit referendum campaign, is Ian Paisley, Jr. (son of the DUP’s founder), in North Antrim.

With his typical casual attitude to consistency and integrity, Farage has betrayed not just any TUV candidate, but its leader Jim Allister, who is the candidate standing against Paisley and with whom Reform UK signed a pact just weeks ago.

Farage has already proved that he doesn’t care about associating with racists and apologists for Hitler and Putin. We can assume that his decision to rip up the pact with TUV had nothing to do with the fascists in their ranks.

As with all right-wing populists, Farage portrays himself as a plain-speaking and honest man of the people. In fact, he is a self-centred opportunist with no sense of personal or political loyalty.

Clacton’s voters should be on their guard, and it would be helpful if the Labour Party were to summon up some political courage and speak out against Farage and his gang of extremists and conspiracy theorists.

Forty years ago, the French socialist President François Mitterrand made a historic mistake by cynically boosting Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front, so that it would split the conservative vote. We can now see the disastrous long-term consequence of that approach. Perhaps it’s too much to expect decent democrats inside the Conservative Party to reclaim their party from the dog-whistlers, but Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians should take a stand against the far right before it’s too late.

More high level departures from UKIP

Recent weeks have witnessed a couple more high-level departures from the sinking ship that is UKIP, in apparent disgust at what has been happening at the heart of the party.

Lois Parry’s recent election as Leader meant she automatically joined the Board of Directors of UKIP Ltd., the company which owns the party, and  is in turn controlled by the trust run by Chairman Ben Walker.

Perry’s appointment, however, when notified to Companies House, was accompanied by news that two other Directors, retired Squadron Leader Peter Richardson and Julie Carter, had recently resigned.

And it appears that these two stalwarts have not just left the board but withdrawn from the party completely.

Carter (right), from a longstanding UKIP-supporting family and till November an NEC member and the party’s Education spokesperson, was previously the UKIP election candidate in Ealing Central and Acton. She is no longer a spokesperson nor on the NEC and is, in fact, contesting the same seat as an independent.

Richardson (left), formerly UKIP’s Defence and Veterans spokesperson and only last year their candidate in the Somerset and Frome by election, has also gone off the radar. He is no longer listed as a spokesperson or as an NEC member and is not standing, even in the successor Frome and East Somerset constituency, in the forthcoming election.

There are rumours that both have been troubled by recent coverage of UKIP’s internal affairs, most notably by Searchlight, and that when some helpful dissident souls started circulating a dossier of revelatory articles, their thoughts and intentions crystallised. Shortly afterwards, both decided to call it a day.

Julie Carter is rubbing salt in the wound by telling the local press that one of her policy priorities is “protecting the elderly and vulnerable from fraudsters”.

She may well have in mind the conviction of prominent Wales UKIP activist Dan Morgan in a massive fraud which robbed hundreds of vulnerable people of thousands of pounds of savings. UKIP, it appears, cares not one jot and still welcomes Morgan – also a buddy of Tommy Robinson – to its bosom.

Well, we assume that’s who she has in mind…

The election sees the once-mighty UKIP struggling: only 25 candidates are being fielded around the country and, as we predicted, some leadership figures, most notably Chairman Ben Walker and Deputy Leader Nick Tenconi, are standing back from the fray.

Walker in particular would not relish some of the awkward question that might come his way: about the trust through which he maintains control of the party, or the allegations made by former Deputy Leader Rebecca Jane about him trying to ‘bed’ her.

Exposing the ‘independent’ candidates

Left to Right: Brian Silvester, Andrew Emmerson, David Durrant, Ray Brady

Throughout this campaign we will be on the lookout for ‘independent’ candidates with a background in far right politics. Just so that voters are aware that they if they vote for them, they may not necessarily be voting for some non-party servant of the community.

We begin today with Brian Silvester, a perennial candidate for Islamophobic and far right parties including For Britain, standing in Crewe & Nantwich, as candidate for the ‘Putting Crewe First, Independent Residents Group’.

Then there’s Andrew Emerson, a former BNP organiser and founder of the minuscule Patria party, who is an independent in Chichester.

David Durant , a former veteran of Patrick Harrington’s defunct NF faction, Third Way, and now an independent local councillor, is contesting Hornchurch & Upminster as an independent.

And lastly, for today, Ray Brady, who was dropped from Reform UK’s candidates’ list a few weeks ago after exposure of his racist social media posts, is independent candidate for Buckingham & Bletchley.

Is a UKIP undertaking worth the paper it’s written on? It appears not…

As we reported last week, when Nigel Farage assumed the leadership of Reform UK and threw his hat in the ring in Clacton, UKIP Leader Lois Perry squealed with delight and announced that, in order to support her ‘friend’ and further the cause of right-wing unity, UKIP would stand down in Reform’s favour in seven constituencies.

That was nonsense. They had no candidates lined up in most of those constituencies and two of them were actually abolished in the most recent set of boundary changes.

But even the spirit of the undertaking lasted no longer than close of nominations four days later.

When the candidates lists were announced it turned out that UKIP was now not only running against Farage himself in Clacton – where, to be fair, no undertaking had actually been given – but they are also running against Reform in the successor constituencies to the which had been abolished.

On Perry’s standing down list were Barnsley Central and Barnsley East. Last year they were replaced by Barnsley North and Barnsley South, and you would think that the spirit of Perry’s undertaking would mean those would be left as a free run for Reform.

But no. Oh dear, no. Ukip have pulled the rather crafty trick of outsourcing those seats to their allies in the English Democrats, with whom they are bound in an officially-registered electoral partnership called the Patriots Alliance.

So, in Barnsley South we find Maxine Spencer (pictured right) running as the “Patriots Alliance – English Democrats and UKIP” candidate and in Barnsley North, Janus Polenceusz (left) standing for the English Democrats.

In both cases their opponents include Reform UK.

This will, without doubt, have furthered the cause of right-wing unity immeasurably…

British Democrats’ election quartet scrapes barrel with gun shop man

“British Democrats to stand candidates at the General Election 2024” shouted the party’s web site. In a lengthy but not exactly full explanation of the decision, the leaders reminded members that their 2023 AGM (presumably held in in a bus shelter smelling of wee) decided almost unanimously that the party should field “a limited and select number of parliamentary candidates in strategic areas”.

Well, we thought, we don’t know about ‘select’ but we can guarantee that all of those candidates will be ‘limited’. By their credibility, if nothing else

The announcement ended, as you might predict, with a shake of the begging bowl. “Your financial support is crucial in enabling us to field candidates and make a significant impact in the upcoming election,” they pleaded, adding “no amount is too small.” Well, indeed. We checked, and you could get four cans of strong pear cider for £2.99 at Lidl that week. Every little gulps!

When we describe this gush as “not exactly full”, what we have in mind is that they somehow neglected to give even a ballpark idea of how many limited and select candidates they had in mind.

Listening keenly for echoes of rumours of saloon bar indiscretions, we concluded that the grand total would likely be… er… three. No wonder they kept quiet. You don’t want to bandy around numbers as small as that while you have your sprinkling of supporters thinking of hitting the Donate button.

Three, eh? We felt that a theme might be about to develop. Something less wholesome than Three Men and a Baby, that was for sure. And less entertaining than The Three Amigos. Ah well, it would emerge in the end.

So, as a quick recap: The British Democrats are the last remaining electoral standard-bearers for the rag, tag and bobtail army of traditional British fascism. We say ‘army’, but these days it’s more of a company. Or perhaps platoon. These stragglers are the end of a line that began with the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and the National Front in the 1960s.

Party president Andrew ‘Never Gold or Silver’ Brons (above) has already been exposed by Searchlight as a former NSM member. In 1965 Brons sent a letter (below) to fellow nazi Françoise Dior, wife of NSM Fuhrer Colin Jordan, about a “well-intentioned” comrade who intended to bomb synagogues. His only question to Dior was over whether such bombings might damage “our public image”. Brand management, eh?

So, who are Brons’s shock troops for July? In truth, they are not particularly shocking.

The two most prominent candidates, Chris Bateman (standing in Basildon and Billericay) and Lawrence Rustem (Faversham and Mid Kent), have followed a tortuous political path in the past few years – from the British National Party (BNP), through Anne Marie Waters’ fanatically Islamophobic For Britain Movement, and into the British Democrats.

Both of them have indirect connections to Paul Golding and Britain First. Bateman saw BF as occasional allies in Muslim-baiting campaigns, both on the streets and online. But Rustem has shunned the party because, although twenty years ago he was Golding’s closest friend, they had a bitter falling out. While Golding is better known for knocking women around (as ex-girlfriend Jayda Fransen is quite prepared to tell anyone) he reportedly made a gender exception just the once, and lamped Rustem.

Rustem (above) was the beneficiary rather than victim of another ‘exception’ a few years earlier when, despite his Turkish ancestry, he was permitted to become a member of John Tyndall’s BNP. Tyndall and his fellow race-purist pals allowed Rustem into their ranks because he was prepared to carry out infiltration missions among London anti-fascists. Like those wartime Turks who served the espionage arm of Himmler’s SS, Rustem was elevated to the rank of Honorary Aryan.

To his surprise and, we imagine, glee Chris ‘Master’ Bateman (below) finds himself in the improbable position of being, just possibly, a relevant figure in this election. Not that he has any chance of winning. Good gracious no. But his availability as a protest vote candidate may be one of several cats among the pigeons in Basildon and Billericay.

The Conservatives have, you see, shot themselves in the foot. The seat was sitting there without a Tory candidate right up until a couple of days before close-of-nominations date. At the last minute, HQ kindly gave the local party a short list to choose from. It was a very short list indeed. It contained only one name – that of national party chairman Richard Holden.

Local activists are outraged. Even the leader of the Conservative faction on Basildon Council has announced that he will campaign for candidates in neighbouring constituencies rather than lift a finger to help Holden.

Theoretically the seat carries a Tory majority of more than 20,000 (retiring MP John Baron won 67% of the vote in 2019) so Holden has awarded himself just about as safe a seat as he possibly could. But the 2024 election is not going to be as simple as that. The new wave of heavy number-crunching used by the pollsters had Tories and Labour only a few points apart in advance of the candidate announcement. Holden’s unpopularity has reduced that to something more like a tie.

His theme song may be “I’m not a blinking dickie, I’m Billericay Thickie” but Bateman may conceivably prove a protest vote recipient too far for Holden.

The member of the BD trio that makes us most twitchy is Frank Calladine (below), who will be standing in Ed Miliband’s seat, Darlington North. This will be his third general election in a row in that constituency – and the third different flag he has flown under there.

In 2017 he stood as an independent, polling 366 and by a whisker forcing the English Democrat (363) into seventh and last place. In 2019 he and ED developed The Other Plan – he would not stand against them but become their candidate. Alas, ED and Frank proved less than the sum of their parts, picking up just 309 votes.

No, it’s not Calladine’s electoral potency – or rather lack of it – that perplexes us. It’s the fact that he works in the… er… gun trade.

Not, we hasten to add, that we would describe him as an ‘arms dealer’. There’s no Night Manager type TV series to be sourced from this plot. We’re pretty sure that he’s not even a ‘gun dealer’ – someone with a licence to sell firearms to the public. He’s an apparently not very literate shop assistant, and as such quite possibly only sweeps the floor and sells the cool-looking sunglasses and ‘My other gun is a Purdy’ T-shirts while his boss handles the shotgun, airgun and airsoft side of the business.

Nonetheless, just the idea of a political extremist being surrounded by guns all day is not calculated to make any of us sleep easier. We’ve tried counting imaginary sheep as they jump hurdles to see if that will help us nod off, but we keep jolting awake every time somebody shoots one of them. No wonder Frank (relax – there is no brother Jesse) restricts himself to telling constituents that he works in a “family business”. The less they know, the better.

Oh well, at least the gun aspect helped us to find our cinematic trio theme: Il misero, il brutto, il cattivo. The Sad, the Bad and the Ugly. Take your pick which is which.

But wait! Just as we thought it was all done and dusted, up popped Gary Butler (below) as a fourth Beadies’ candidate, selected for the new constituency of Maidstone & Malling. Butler has lots of form in elections, though mostly of the ‘trailed the field by 14 lengths’ type.

He made an almost incessant effort over more than a decade to win the Shepway North seat on Maidstone Council. He began in 2010 with a (comparatively) successful fourth place out of six, standing for the National Front. Apparently determined never again to have anyone finish below him, in 2011 he switched to the British National Party and promptly came last with 102 votes.

For 2012 he was back to the NF, and bottom again. In 2014, 15 and 16 he tried his hand with the English Democrats, coming last all three times, and surpassing himself with a tally of 38 votes in 2015. In 2018, 19, 21 and 23 he ran as an independent, achieving four bottom places. The one gap in his record came in 2022 when, according to the records in front of us, his name was not on the candidates’ list, and bottom place went to Melanie Butler. A coincidence? A typo? A flirtation with gender fluidity? Who knows…

Fate attempted to send Gary a message this year, when the council abolished Shepway North, but he clearly wasn’t listening. He stood in the new ward as an independent and, inevitably, shored up the bottom of the table. Perhaps it was the British Democrats’ Lawrence Rustem (yes, him again) polling an extra 135 votes that tempted him to his latest party switch.

All of this success at coming bottom in the Pee Wee league also seems to have encouraged Butler to try his hand at failing Big Time. In the 2015 General Election, he decided to take a crack at the constituency of Faversham and Mid Kent, standing for the English Democrats. With 0.3% of the vote, he finished behind even the Raving Loony candidate. Skipping Theresa May’s bonkers 2017 election, he gave it another shot in 2019 as an independent. Naturally he came last.

This year, he’s looking to fail in a fresh constituency, leaving comrade Rustem to stand in for him and nail last place in Faversham.