If you thought that the sordid world of UKIP was, well, as sordid as it might get, then you are sadly mistaken.
The latest extraordinary development is the distribution in Wellingborough, which goes to the polls in a Parliamentary by-election on Thursday, of a leaflet calling for a vote for the UKIP candidate, Geoff Courtenay. He is the miserable specimen who once argued, publicly, that calling someone a p**i was the same as abbreviating ‘sandwich’ to ‘sarnie’.
“Now you may think there is little chance of me winning this seat and becoming your MP…” the leaflet says, and this is certainly the case given that neither Courtenay, nor anyone else, has actually been nominated to stand for UKIP in the constituency.
Echoes here, of course, of Paul Golding’s screw up with the Britain First candidacy in Rochdale, where it was announced that BF were running only for Golding to forget to get the nomination papers in on time.
So, what is going on? Well, perhaps not so much incompetence as sabotage, if we consider this alongside the party’s other by-election campaign in Bristol, Kingswood. There, a UKIP candidate was duly nominated but has since gone on the missing list. Curiously, that candidate is not Ben Walker, who lives a mere 20-odd miles from the constituency, but Mr Nick Wood, an unknown parachuted in from 150-mile away Surrey. Even so, Wood has refused to be interviewed and didn’t show up for a BBC televised debate.
The theory circulating amongst party dissidents is that the last thing that UKIP Chairman Ben ‘Rogue Builder’ Walker can risk at the moment is loose cannon candidates (let alone himself) having to field questions about recently departed Deputy Leader Rebecca Janes’s resignation salvo of allegations about Walker’s behaviour (“he just wanted to get me into bed…”) or about the mysterious trust (sole trustee Ben Walker) which now appears to control the company which owns UKIP.
So, the theory goes, Courtenay was not nominated – though he ploughed on blissfully unaware of being stabbed in the back – and Wood has been given strict instructions to keep out of sight, or at least out of range of potentially embarrassing questions.
And now Walker’s plans for the Leader succession look set to cause havoc. His favourite, the lightweight anti-net zero and pro-car campaigner Lois Perry, who he has presented as a shoo-in, will be challenged after all by Ann Marie Waters, the anti-Muslim bigot who rejoined the party only last year and is its Justice Spokesperson.
Rivals: Ann Marie Waters and Lois Perry
Walker has made it clear he will block Waters if she is elected, while she is telling people that if she wins, she will immediately sack him and replace him with one of her supporters, as would be her constitutional right. She does not appear to realise, however, the significance of the mysterious Walker-run Trust, or why that might make him defend his position like a demented ferret.
There could be blood on the mat.