Author Archives: Searchlight Team

Anne-Marie Waters announces that For Britain has folded

Anne-Marie Waters announced on the For Britain website today that For Britain has ceased to be a political party with immediate effect. She states that people are afraid to be openly patriotic. Waters continues by saying that she will ‘revisit’ Sharia Watch in order to ‘educate our country about the incompatible cultures’ in the UK.

Bill Of Rights published as Human Rights Act to be scrapped

On 22nd June 2022 the government published the first draft of its Bill of Rights that will see the Human Rights Act scrapped. They intend to increase the right to freedom of speech whilst limiting what they call ‘mission creep’ with what they describe as ‘abuses’ of the human rights legislation. Notably, they aim to alter Article 8 – the ‘right to family life’.

See the Bill of Rights at the government website here