Author Archives: Searchlight Team

First Rwanda deportation flight to leave UK on 14 June, says Priti Patel

Group of asylum seekers sent formal notices advising they will be relocated to east African country, say officials

There remain few details about the numbers of people expected to be sent to Rwanda in this first flight, and how they have been identified. Officials said those who will be removed are already in detention, while the government is braced for a flurry of legal challenges over their removal.

Read more on The Guardian website here

Asylum seekers stage hunger strike as UK prepares Rwanda deportation

Asylum seekers at an immigration detention centre in the UK say they went on hunger strike after being told they would be deported to Rwanda.

Seventeen asylum seekers at Brook House detention centre near Gatwick Airport, Sussex, have told the BBC of an atmosphere of distress and despair among detainees.

Read more on BBC website here

Third Met Police child strip-search case investigated

The police watchdog has confirmed it is investigating the strip-search of a third child by the Met Police, after two other controversial cases.

Two teenage girls, known as Child Q and Olivia, were strip-searched by officers while they were menstruating.

Acting Commissioner Sir Stephen House said last week there was a further case but he could not discuss the details.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has since confirmed there is a third complaint.

Read more on the BBC website here

Poles who celebrated Hitler’s birthday convicted of promoting fascism

Six people who were filmed celebrating Adolf Hitler’s birthday while wearing Nazi uniforms and saluting in front of a burning swastika have been found guilty of promoting fascism. The group were all given suspended prison sentences, a punishment prosecutors argue is too light.

Read more on Notes from Poland website here

Ray Hill obituary: The Guardian

Ray Hill, anti-fascist activist, born 2 December 1939; died 14 May 2022

Former neo-Nazi activist who changed course and threw himself into campaigning against racism and rightwing extremism

Read full obituary at The Guardian website here