Author Archives: Searchlight Team

Neo-Nazi claims he does not hate Jews

A neo-Nazi who called himself the ‘Fuhrer’ said having to pay taxes is more offensive than using an anti-semitic phrase. Matthew Henegan, 36, allegedly claimed Jewish people were behind Covid-19 news stories and controlled the media in a series of leaflets he produced last year.

Read article on Court News UK website here

Court of Appeal finds Channel boat crossings by asylum seekers not illegal as convictions quashed

Asylum seekers who are intercepted while crossing the English Channel in small boats have not broken the law, the Court of Appeal has found.

Judges quashed the convictions of three men who were wrongly jailed for “assisting unlawful immigration” for steering dinghies, after finding they had not committed the offence.

A fourth man who appealed against his conviction will face a retrial, and at least seven other convictions and two pending trials are under consideration.

A ruling delivered on Tuesday said the law had been “misunderstood” by the Home Office and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), and that a legal “heresy” developed making asylum seekers believe they had no defence to the charge.

Read full article by Lizzie Dearden on The Independent website here


As the Government continues its attack on migrant and refugee communities, now is the time to build power and resistance within our communities says Migrants Organise.

Migrants Organise published 6 ways to show solidarity – see the list one their website here