Author Archives: Searchlight Team

TUC Report : The Rise of the Far Right: A Trade Union Response

The TUC launched a new report, The Rise of the Far Right: A Trade Union Response at a webinar on 3rd December 2020. The report is below as well as recording of the webinar and case studies from Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Columbia and Brazil.

Here is a link to the recording of the full webinar:

Here is a link to the report that was launched at the event.

Read the case study from the report on Hungary and Poland here:

The case study on Turkey’s authoritarianism and right-wing nationalism is here:

Read the case study on the rise of the far right and wide spread racism in Brazil here:

Read about the anti-democratic government actions and the killings of leaders in Colombia here:

Read this news article about the report from TUC General Secretary, Frances O’Grady released today (4th December)

Contact at TUC is Tanya Warlock: [email protected]

For a Europe without fences and neo-Nazis

International meeting against racism and fascism, Athens, 15-16 October 2016


The annual Nationwide Assembly of KEERFA (Movement against Racism and Fascist Threat) held over a warm October weekend in Athens ended by adopting a raft of agreed actions and priorities for the coming year by the many Greek Anti-Racist and Anti- Fascist activists, networks and organisations, professionals such as teachers and doctors, trade unionists and journalists present. The range of contributions from the panel speakers and from the floor had been inspiring and chilling as all of us present listened to the current manifestations of the far right, the state response to refugee and migrant communities and crucially the anti-racist and anti-fascist response and resistance. Volunteer Interpreters ensured that non-Greek speaking participants from UK, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland and Turkey were able to participate fully. KEERFA’s focus in Greece currently is two-fold: ensuring that the Golden Dawn trial continues on the one hand whilst keeping up the campaigning for refugee rights and fostering a climate of solidarity with refugees.

Themes that recurred from the participants in Greece and across the rest of Europe were the conditions within ‘Temporary Immigrant Centres’ as they are known in Catalonia, Spain or more correctly referred to by many activists as ‘concentration camps’; building of physical borders of barbed wire and razor wire and walls; the right to stay or illegal expulsion i.e. from Spain to Morocco where people are left in the desert or from Greece to Turkey under the agreement made recently; provision of education, health and crucially housing to refugee/migrant communities ; cuts and austerity measures being cited as bogus reasons for state’s inability to support refugee communities ; rise in Islamophobia and media and state demonization of the Muslim community. An example of the last issue was a poster with a woman in a hijab next to a terrorist bomber as well as the ‘burkini-ban’ in French resorts that triggered massive back-lash in France and internationally.


Two days of panel discussions on the Golden Dawn trial, Solidarity with Refugees, Islamophobia, Education and others were packed with both really worrying accounts of specific policies impacting on refugees such as children in Greece finally being given school places but to receive only education in the afternoons so that the fight now has become to equip schools with ability to provide a decent education for refugee children throughout the school day. We then heard that some refugee families are being rounded up to be removed from Greece and that children being taken when on school premises and when they attempted an escape being pursued by police helicopters and that this appeared to be more than rare anecdotal accounts but the beginning of a systematic approach to remove refugees from Greece. UK delegates, no doubt, wondered for what purpose the information UK teachers are currently being directed to ask pupils regarding their nationality i.e. where they were born, will be put.

Greek speakers spoke of the far right re-grouping as ‘concerned citizens and parents’ speaking out about the strain on schools of refugee children and within their communities. Vigilance and constant challenging of their rhetoric was needed, not to convert the fascists themselves but to ensure that the workers and those experiencing poverty with the impacts of austerity are not drawn in by these racists and fascists posing as ordinary concerned citizens. Greek Fascists had attempted a physical attack in an area with high number of migrants but luckily anti-fascists and trade unionists had been able to mobilise to defend the migrant community in the unexplained absence of police in the area when the mob initiated the attack. The prompt and effective anti-fascist response had curbed further repeats of this tactic but incidents of individual attacks were high, as experienced throughout Europe and within the UK following the EU referendum outcome.

Petros Konstantinou, Coordinator of KEERFA and Athens city councillor addressed the closing remarks to the International Meeting on the Sunday afternoon of 16th October 2016. Petros took the opportunity to emphasize that as many speakers from Greece and elsewhere had stated, that whilst fascists are not at their strongest that they are not weak and that they continue to pose a real, imminent and ongoing threat. Petros stated that the many successes in the anti-fascist movement in mobilising large numbers at Pro-Refugee rallies throughout Europe , such as the 1,500 attending the Stand Up to Racism conference in the UK the previous weekend and the unprecedented actions of the German state in accepting 1 million refugees that efforts need to be made day in and day out to fight for refugee rights and that with the demands for improved education and health provision for refugee children in Greece and elsewhere that these improvements will be for in education and health would benefits to all. Petros called for continued attendance of anti-fascists in the public gallery of the Golden Dawn trial which speakers had stated can have a massive impact on the outcome of the trial as well as providing support to those having to give witness.

Petros reminded participants that refugee and migrant voices and experiences needed to be central in the movement and that the refugees and migrants are not passive ‘victims’ but are the people on the ‘front line of the movement’.

Calls were also made for all delegates to build for the UN Day for Elimination of Racism on 18 March 2017 but reminding people that fighting against racism was an every-day fight in our workplaces, with friends and family and crucially in our wider local communities. Many forthcoming days of action were announced by Greek and other delegates and it is clear that the anti-racist and anti-fascist movement is stepping up to the challenging and dangerous times that we are all living in and the movement needs to be able to maintain this heightened level of vigilance, campaigning and robust anti-fascist response.


Pride, protest and policy making

Equality and solidarity were key themes for trade unionists during this summer’s round of conferences and labour movement events. Cathy Pound from Trade Union Friends of Searchlight was there.

PCS 2016, Brighton

This year’s conference of the PCS civil service union took place at the end of May against a background of a huge onslaught of cuts throughout the civil service. In this context, PCS delegates still ensured that they passed motions calling for an end to the scapegoating of refugees.

One delegate spoke of his visit to the Calais “Jungle”, the refugee camp where he had seen police smashing up makeshift homes and “people being herded like cattle into shipping containers”.

Stand Up to Racism and Black Activists Rising Against Cuts held a fringe meeting entitled, “No to racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism: refugees welcome”. The meeting called for people to co-ordinate collections of material aid for the mass convoy to Calais in June.

Gypsy traveller pride and protest 21-5-16

Gypsy and Traveller Pride and Protest, London

Westminster’s Parliament Square saw Gypsies and Travellers from all over the UK come together on 21 May to protest against new housing and planning laws and to make a stand for Gypsy and Traveller pride and empowerment against racism and prejudice.

The rally, under the banner, “Dosta, Grinta, Enough!” began with a march that kept circling Parliament Square, headed by horse-drawn caravans, traps and marchers on foot with banners. Speeches were held later, on the Westminster lawns, concluding with the four organisations involved in the protest handing a petition with over 5,000 signatures in to Downing Street.The petition protested against new planning laws that would redefine “Gypsy status” to only classify those who “travel” for work purposes, removing any cultural or ethnic dimension. The new laws would also effectively end the slow but steady increase in private Traveller site development, one of the ways that people have tried to cope in the face of a dire national shortage of caravan pitches for Gypsies and Travellers.

Gypsy and Traveller Pride and Protest demonstration
Gypsy and Traveller Pride and Protest demonstration

132nd Durham Miners’ Gala

The historic Durham Miners’ Gala continues to grow from strength to strength, with the largest turnout for 60 years. The coming together and celebration of the mining community and the trade union movement resonates strongly today. Sadly, a week after presiding over his 31st gala, Davey Hopper, the Durham Miners’ Gala secretary, died unexpectedly. Tributes to Davey have flooded in, many citing his role as general secretary of the Durham Area of the National Union of Mineworkers during the difficult period after the 1984-85 miners’ strike.

Equalities fringe meeting at the Unite Policy Conference

Unite policy conference 2016, Brighton

Delegates at the policy conference of trade union Unite highlighted the rise in hate crimes and racist incidents in public spaces in the aftermath of the EU referendum result.

A Unite equalities fringe meeting focused on the effects of the 2016 Trade Union Act, warning that an “attack on trade unions is an attack on equalities”. All that has been gained through the development of trade union equality reps could be lost if the legislation is successful in reducing union recognition and reps’ facility time.

Unite delegates visited the Searchlight stall and had their photographs taken holding messages of solidarity, saying, “Refugees Welcome”, “Say no to hate crime” and “Black lives matter”. Look out for these on our website soon.

On the march at Tolpuddle
On the march at Tolpuddle

Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival 2016, Dorset

The Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival in mid-July, another important fixture in the trade union calendar, also had record numbers attending this year, and not only because the summer weather had finally arrived. People would have been there, I am sure, come rain or high water.

The festival commemorates the Tolpuddle Martyrs, the workers in the Dorset village who were arrested and deported for organising together, and laid the foundations for modern trade unionism in Britain.

The 2016 Trade Union Act has been passed into law since TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady addressed the festival last year, outlining the legislation’s Draconian nature.

Participants this year celebrated notable gains in amending the legislation. These included changes to some of the very specific attempts to ban the “check off” of union subs from the wages of public sector workers, and measures to restrict protests, picketing and social media campaigns, which had included plans to make everyone on a picket show personal data to the police, employers or anyone who asked for it.

Festival goers signed up in larger numbers than usual to the Trade Union Friends of Searchlight monthly e-newsletter, which highlights forthcoming anti-fascist events. And they too had photographs taken with solidarity messages.