Author Archives: Sonia Gable

Far-Right blamed as entrance to mosque in Germany bricked up

Muslims living in a small town in northern Germany were shocked to find someone had bricked up the entrance to their mosque during the night, Justin Huggler reported in The Daily Telegraph on 30 August.

Those gathering for prayers last Friday in the town of Parchim found the door to the mosque jammed with concrete breeze blocks, on which crude flyers with anti-Muslim slogans had been stuck.

“You call yourselves believers. We call you invaders,” one of the flyers read.

Another contained lines from a poem recited in public by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president: “The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the faithful our soldiers”.

Muslims gathering for prayers in the town of Parchim found the door to the mosque filled with concrete breeze blocks CREDIT: NETZWERK FÜR FLÜCHTLINGE IN PARCHIM

Police are investigating the incident, which is suspected to be the work of a far-Right group.

Read the rest of the report here.

Hungary blocks more than 20 websites for Holocaust denial

The World Jewish Congress has reported a statement by the Budapest chief prosecutor that a Budapest court has ordered the temporary shutdown of nearly two dozen websites that carry content denying the Holocaust.

The websites sell the Hungarian edition of a Swedish author’s book that denies the Holocaust and other crimes committed by the Nazi regime, prosecutor Tibor Ibolya said. The sites also make some of that content available online.

The Hungarian authorities also started investigating the book’s publisher in Hungary but suspended the procedure because the company’s head is currently abroad.

Under a 2010 Hungarian law, Holocaust denial in public is a crime punishable by up to three years imprisonment.


About 600.000 Hungarian Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

Hungarian extremist sentenced to 13 years in prison for terrorism

A far-right extremist, whose group sadistically assaulted and nearly killed a media personality, bombed gay clubs in Budapest and attacked the homes of Socialist and liberal politicians using Molotov cocktails, received a 13-year prison sentence on Tuesday in the Budapest Capital Regional Court, Hungarian Free Press reports on 30 August 2016.

Between 2007 and 2009, György Budaházy led a group of far-right terrorists, called the “Arrows of Hungarians” (Magyarok Nyilai), which turned to violence, in order to intimidate the governing Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) and its liberal coalition partner, the now defunct Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ). The group attacked the home of then Minister of Education István Hiller, the personal residence of János Kóka, who led SZDSZ’s caucus in parliament, and the home of György Szilvássy, the minister responsible for Hungary’s national security agencies.

Mr. Budaházy and his accomplices also physically attacked Sándor Csintalan, a former Socialist politician who had turned into a media personality and host at the pro-Fidesz HírTV news channel. Mr. Csintalan was severely beaten and his home was bombed, after he referred to members of another extreme right-wing group–called the Hunnia Movement–as “hooligans.” Mr. Budahazy’s group used an iron pipe to beat their victim. The men refused to stop beating Mr. Csintalan, until he begged for his life to be spared.

Despite the viciousness of Mr. Budaházy’s crimes, he remains a hero in the eyes of many Jobbik supporters, many of whom turned out to his sentencing, cheered and gave a standing ovation to the convicted terrorist, as he walked into the courtroom.

Convicted terrorist György Budaházy receives a standing ovation in the Budapest Capital Regional Court on Tuesday from Jobbik supporters, right before his sentencing. Photo: Balázs Mohai/MTI
Convicted terrorist György Budaházy receives a standing ovation in the Budapest Capital Regional Court on Tuesday from Jobbik supporters, right before his sentencing. Photo: Balázs Mohai/MTI

In addition to Mr. Csintalan’s beating and the bombing of the private homes of left-centre politicians, Mr. Budaházy’s terrorist group also bombed MSZP and SZDSZ party offices and blew up an ATM machine in the town of Székesfehérvár, in order to steal funds to bankroll their organization. Additionally, Mr. Budaházy and his accomplices attacked two gay bars in Budapest. The prosecution argued that the attacks on the LGBT community were also meant to intimidate and strike fear in the minority community, even though nobody was killed or injured in these attacks. One of the gay bars did have guests inside at the time of the attack, so the fact that that there were no casualties was a result of pure luck.

The prosecution asked for a 20 year prison sentence against Mr. Budaházy and one of his accomplices, as well as sentences of between 10 and 15 years for others involved in the terrorist group. The prosecution highlighted that this was the worst example of sustained and meticulously organized terrorist activity on Hungarian soil in decades.

Mr. Budaházy’s defence, however, contested the terrorism charge and said that the defendant’s actions paled in comparison to those of Islamist terrorists in France and Belgium. “Happy is the country, which has terrorists such as them,” said lawyer István Szikinger of the defendants.  He also alleged illegal activity during the police investigation into his client, including the unlawful gathering of evidence by national security officials.

One of Mr. Budaházy’s high profile supporters is Jobbik MEP Krisztina Morvai, who attended the sentencing hearing in Budapest.  Ms. Morvai began screaming in the middle of the sentencing hearing, after the prosecution informed the judge that it felt that the 13 year sentence was too lenient and asked for the justice consider the original request of 20 years in prison.

“Even in the fifties this trial would have been unprecedented”–yelled the Jobbik politician, after which she began singing the national anthem. The police intervened and removed all observers from the courthouse. Ms. Morvai, however, was unwilling to leave and showed the police her ID from the European Parliament, claiming she had the right to stay. The officers appeared to accept this line of reasoning and the Jobbik politician was permitted to remain for the rest of the hearing.

Ms. Morvai’s activities on this front are clearly an embarrassment for Jobbik’s leadership– a party that is trying to shake its extremist image ahead of the 2018 national elections.

Argentinian pupils wearing Nazi armbands attack Jewish students in ‘Mengele village’

Children from a German school in Buenos Aires wearing swastika armbands and fake Hitler moustaches attacked pupils from a Jewish school in a resort where several Nazi war criminals lived for decades after the Second World War, including Dr Josef Mengele, Auschwitz’s “Angel of Death”, The Sunday Telegraph reported on 28 August 2016.

The incident drew swift condemnation for the pupils and the parents who were accompanying them during the school’s end-of-course trip to San Carlos de Bariloche, in the Andes.

The town became a haven for fleeing Nazis who were welcomed by the sympathetic Peronist regime.

According to witnesses, pupils from the Lanús German School arrived at a party in a nightclub dressed as Nazis.

Read the full article here.

Number of neo-Nazi rock concerts on the rise in Germany

The first half of 2016 has already seen some 98 far-right musical events in Germany, with some concerts drawing thousands of fans, according to Die Welt. Authorities have warned that such events serve as recruitment tools, Deutsche Welle reported on 20 August 2016.

Of that total, around 40 were rock concerts and 49 Liederabende, where right-wing extremist singers and songwriters perform to small audiences.

Read the full article here.