Author Archives: Sonia Gable

Call-to-arms by German populist right AfD

Populist right-wing AfD party co-leader Frauke Petry has encouraged Germans to carry firearms. She claims the government has lost its state monopoly to protect the public, especially in thinly populated areas, Deutsche Welle reported on 20 August.

Petry, who caused an uproar January by suggesting German police could use firearms to deter incoming refugees, on Saturday called into question Germany’s policing and stringent gun ownership law in the wake of deadly attacks last month.

There were no grounds for concern when citizens armed themselves for self-protection in areas where austerity measures by national and regional governments had “systematically ruined” police services, Petry told the Funke Media Group based in Essen.

“Every law-abiding person should be in the position to protect himself, his family and his friends,” Petry said.

Read the full article here.

Australia: Far-right Pauline Hanson supporters dressed as Muslims storm church

A far-right nationalist group that links itself to One Nation leader Pauline Hanson stormed a church service on Sunday dressed in Muslim-style attire and chanting anti-Islamic slogans, leaving some members of the congregation “deeply traumatised”, The Sidney Morning Herald reported on 15 August 2016.

The incident, on the NSW Central Coast, reflects the emboldened attitudes of anti-Islamic groups following the political resurgence of One Nation.

Some of the Party for Freedom members who entered the Gosford Anglican Church dressed as Muslims. Photo: Party for Freedom/Facebook
Some of the Party for Freedom members who entered the Gosford Anglican Church dressed as Muslims. Photo: Party for Freedom/Facebook

Read the full article and watch the video here.

Germany: New far-right group comes under gaze of state spies

Up until this point, the movement, which has been present in Germany since 2012, had been observed by spy agencies at the state level.

“We are seeing in the Identitarian Movement indications of efforts to undercut the democratic order,” said Hans-Georg Maaßen, head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution – Germany’s domestic security agency.

He added that the group seems to have become more radicalized in its anti-asylum efforts in the time since Germany started accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees last summer.

“Immigrants with Muslim backgrounds or people from the Middle East are being slandered by them in the most extreme fashion. Therefore we are also surveilling this movement,” the spy chief stated.

The Identitarian Movement is active against what it describes as “multicultural madness”, “uncontrolled mass migration” and “the loss of our own identity through foreign infiltration”.

State level spy agencies are already surveilling the organization in nine states including Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia.

Recently there have also been media reports of contact between the Identitarian Movement and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party.

But the spy chief said he had no evidence to support this, adding that, even if there was evidence of talks between the AfD and the far-right movement, this would not necessarily be relevant to the intelligence agencies.

“It depends if the party in question – in this case the AfD – has its political orientation changed to an extremist one through certain people. We act when such people start to have an influence on the party.”

He said there was no evidence this was the case with the AfD.

Viktor Orbán and his responsibility for rising antisemitism in Hungary

Quite a political storm is brewing in Hungary, after Ronald S. Lauder of the World Jewish Congress named Hungary Europe’s most antisemitic country, the Hungarian Free Press reported on 19 July 2016. 

Specifically, Mr. Lauder said the following: “The worst offender is Hungary. Because they now have a neo-Nazi party called Jobbik. They had started to put up statues of Admiral Horthy, who was a Nazi.” András Heisler, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (MAZSIHISZ), came to the Orbán government’s defence in a statement. He wrote to Mr. Lauder, suggesting that he may have been the victim of “journalistic manipulation or incorrect information from advisers,” as there is “constructive cooperation between the Hungarian government and Jewish organizations.” But many take issue with this. Eszter Garai-Édler, a civil rights activist, wrote to me this morning emphasizing that the Orbán regime is the only government in the EU, which has overtly and wholeheartedly embraced undiluted racism. Ms. Garai-Édler is sharing with our readers the full text of a talk she gave a few years ago at the 4th International Conference of the Global Forum for  Combating Anti-Semitism, in Jerusalem, on Mr. Orbán’s role in rising antisemitism. Since then, Mr. Orbán’s rhetoric towards Arabs and Muslims has changed markedly, but his government’s cynical and self-serving use of xenophobia to scapegoat specific communities has not.

Viktor Orbán and his old friend, the leading antisemitic journalist Zsolt Bayer, having fun
Viktor Orbán and his old friend, the leading antisemitic journalist Zsolt Bayer, having fun











Read the rest of the article here.