Fascists and antisemites mourn death of rogue bishop
Last week’s funeral of the far-right, schismatic Bishop Richard Williamson brought into sharp focus the longstanding connections between some ultra-conservative Catholics and a world of…
‘Batshit preacher’ accused of ‘intentionally antisemitic rhetoric’ by his former church
The Anglican Catholic Church in Michigan, which withdrew Calvin Robinson’s licence to minster in January, has accused the far-right clergyman of using “rhetoric that was…
Book Review: The Little Black Book of the Populist Right, Jon Bloomfield and David Edgar
By Paul Jackson, Professor in the History of Radicalism and Extremism, University of Northampton This short, highly readable book explores the growing influence of what…
British Democrats host ‘well-oiled’ Webster
It would be remiss of us not to report the latest outing for one of the oldest Jew-haters in town, Martin Webster, who turned up…
Wars and culture wars fracture Britain’s far right
By Paul Gale Britain’s fascists are tearing into each other with accusations of selling out and betrayal, and big problems are looming ahead of a…