Exposing the ‘independent’ candidates
Left to Right: Brian Silvester, Andrew Emmerson, David Durrant, Ray Brady Throughout this campaign we will be on the lookout for ‘independent’ candidates with a…
Is a UKIP undertaking worth the paper it’s written on? It appears not…
As we reported last week, when Nigel Farage assumed the leadership of Reform UK and threw his hat in the ring in Clacton, UKIP Leader…
British Democrats’ election quartet scrapes barrel with gun shop man
“British Democrats to stand candidates at the General Election 2024” shouted the party’s web site. In a lengthy but not exactly full explanation of the…
South Yorkshire voters beware – Vote SDP, get Nigel Farage!
In 122 UK constituencies in the forthcoming election the ballot paper will include candidates from the cosy-sounding Social Democratic Party. This outfit, however, is nothing…
Neo-nazis and far right groups rally round English Democrats election campaign
The English Democrats, a nominally multiracial party that campaigns for an English Parliament, have made an unprecedented electoral pact with some of Britain’s most hardline…