Don’t underestimate Vox – warns David Karvala
Since the elections, the ultra-right Vox party has been busy mobilising street protests, but has failed to have a great impact. David Karvala warns, however,…
Since the elections, the ultra-right Vox party has been busy mobilising street protests, but has failed to have a great impact. David Karvala warns, however,…
Former BNP leader says it’s time for ‘direct action’ Mark Scholl considers the implications. In October 1981 a certain Nicholas John Griffin, then aged 22,…
We did ask, back in October, how UKIP Chair Ben Walker could be appointed as a magistrate given the several criminal convictions he enjoyed, the…
Golding and crew before the result sank in Having polled just 477 votes, a paltry 1.6%, Britain First’s crestfallen leader Paul Golding went online this…
Searchlight was saddened to hear of the recent death of Shreela Flather, Baroness Flather at the age of 89. She was veteran race relations campaigner…