Traditional Britain Group’s nutty professors raise eyebrows
The Traditional Britain Group regards itself as the most upmarket outfit on the British far right, purveyor of prejudice to the finest families of the…
Will ‘new wave’ Christian nationalists be the death of Britain First in 2025?
As so-called ‘Christian Nationalism’ begins to grip the far right in Britain, Mark Scholl asks how long Paul Golding’s Britain First can struggle on with…
Italian police smash fascist plot to kill Meloni and spark race war
One of Europe’s leading Holocaust deniers, with close links to UK historical revisionists, has been arrested as Italian police foiled a Day of the Jackal…
The UKIP plan to run Tommy Robinson for Parliament – as more Robinson supporters pack party NEC
The growing unity between Tommy Robinson’s racist ‘cultural movement’ and UKIP proceeds apace with a full-fledged embrace only held up by Robinson’s incarceration. UKIP ‘leader’…
Nazi terrorist was being groomed for UKIP leadership role
Cavan Medlock – the Nazi terrorist sentenced a week ago to an ‘indefinite hospital order’ (in other words psychiatric facility detention) for an attempted knifepoint…